Weekly Monday Discussion #4 - User Presence



basicalyl lots of people i feel who are against it feel
vulnerable i think
vulnerable that theyre revealing something that could be exploited
i trust the community not to exploit it because the community are friends and play games to have fun

may brought up the struggle between “having fun” and “playing optimally” and while i can see for some people that might exist… i just dont personally have that because i dont see any upside to “playing optimally” because i dont get a dopamine hit from winning at all

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Not everyone who plays here is part of “the community”. New people play here all the time! Even if they are perfectly well-intentioned, they won’t know to conform to silent social norms like “don’t read people off presence”, and that’ll create an extremely awkward scenario all-around.

I’m okay with leaving things up to trust when breaking the rules is overtly cruel, or overtly game-breaking. You show up to a mafia site, you know you shouldn’t be bigoted or screenshot your role PM or whatever. But something like this… when you rely solely on a social norm to prevent what is only mildly unpleasant behaviour, that’s not always going to work. Autism exists, new people exist, people who are generally fine but just more competitive than average and who don’t mind frustrating someone a bit to win exist.

Like, honestly, I don’t mind hte exploit existing to see presence in non-presence-enabled thread because using it is, you know, illicit. A scenario where using it is not illicit but considered rude just creates weeeeird pressures IMO


so basically my perspective is my own and i will vote for my own perspective
i wont try to assume anything about anyone else nor will i try to convince anybody


I also think if we enable it for everyone, this is in thread information, you are basically saying here’s information in your face you CANT talk about, which is bad for multiple reasons


yes i want to just leave things as-is, i think thats the best option


You can only have vaporwave or remove ‘e’


its pretty obvious if you use an external program to hijack a site then thats not like. something you should be doing
i did the mods address why they thought that leaving it as-is isnt an option? i havent read the whole thread

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The way the exploit works is, if you are viewing a thread with pres enabled, and then go to a different thread, until yoy refresh the error persists

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I could be completely wrong as this is how the like thing works and I think that’s why this can’t actually be fixed because the way to fix it involves refreshing it which

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oh :joy_cat:
thats like
a lot easier than i thought it was
that might change my mind

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It’s a lot easier, I imagine no one would know if it wasn’t mentioned in a public thread tho

well actually the general discussion does change my mind
if the change makes the community feel scared and vulnerable then i dont want it because theyre my friends and i dont want them to feel scared or vulnerable

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this is probably my final stance

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Maybe I just haven’t experienced it cuz I haven’t played mafia a lot or I didn’t do the right things at right times because I experienced the like thing all the time but not once do I remember seeing people type

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imo believe what u wanna believe when it comes to this, if u would be ok with playing with it vote for playing with it

i voted against it and have explained why but i dont really expect everyone to atuomatically agree and vote with me and stuff, (tho they should bc im hot and awesome and cool), its up to each individual person and what they get out of mafia and how they play it. i wouldn stop playing here even if it got enabled bc i really like the people here, but I would probably be more hesitiant about doing quote walls or id be more likely to take a lot of time to type all of my stuff in a notepad. thats just bc of how I play though (i know for a fact I spend far longer typing my posts when I’m scum, and I also just take a long time typing some posts [like hours] sometimes)


Keep in mind I say all this as someone who asks people’s typing speeds to judge time intervals between their posts.

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57 wpm
is that normal

That’s solidly above the average I googled but I don’t know when this average was calculated

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okay i thought something about the test was weird why is it giving me 55 wpm when i typed 14 words in 30 seconds