Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Pff this one obviously (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

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It’s not a pivot. You’re blatantly partnered with Brad. Killing any of you, Brad, and eevee is fine to me, you’re my top three scumreads. Brad already has a vote, so that’s the one I picked.

honestly if brad is scum thats a huge W, wim would be insane
im also curious to see who dies tonight, probably zorvo tbh
VOTE: BradLand

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I think what’s actually wolfy from Brad in that regard is if you notice, Brad never responded when I was bringing up about wolf reads over town reads.
I don’t think they brought up Wazza then either, just kept bragging about them shooting Aro the Highly Suspected Wolf.

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That’s true yeah.
I’m not denying that.
But he was also my main defender.

Also, VOTE: Bradland

i like how it took everyone 3 days to start scumreading brad, its perfectly fine dont get me wrong but im surprised everyone just instantly agrees now
(i wont count d1 since he was towny during d1)

like other than the cfd on day 2 no one was willing to vote brad with me


Name your GTH wolf team.

Please work with me not against me, I want your solve.

i am partnered with brad not giving reasons and bouncing back and forth
this also makes me scum in the case of doing the same with you
in your scenario youre putting forward i do the same thing with 2 different people but only one of them matters. its not even brought up that its identical to my treatment of you
and arctic
and zorvo
and garfooled
theres a pattern here that you see because youve brought it up in the case of bradland garfooled and yourself
but its only scum in the case of bradland and i find that very peculiar

I do think Brad placing eevee as locktown is interesting following the current theory, but I think that would in part explain his weirdness around not wanting to officially TR Wazza - he would feel like his list is too inaccurate, that it’s too obvious that he’s scum, and therefore be nervous about sounding wrong. Eevee wasn’t dying early on anyway, so it wouldn’t be too much an issue.

Pretty sure Brad and Eevee are both wolves as one of my wolves yesterday.

Solves* yesterday.

Auto correct be dumb.

arctic prodded me about it already it is known why this is the case
i wasnt around d2 and some of d3 and it hurt my reads heavily

I’m now having second thoughts about Zenon.

Because they are suddenly ignoring Eevee.

/shoot O.kazo @Italy @CRichardFortressLies

Fug it, I don’t see them contributing
Plus I want to see how they pair with Eevee

After what Arctic was going and suspecting Eevee and everything yesterday, it’s not like Zenon to like… Not Care and Not bring it up?

Wolf Tell?

Your treatment of Brad is different from your treatment of everyone else - you weren’t starting wagons to save me, Arctic, Zorvo, and Garfooled, you aren’t tacking them halfheartedly onto the end of your scumteam. You’re misunderstanding my point about why you’re partnered. It’s not just the wishy-washy treatment, it’s the refusal to give any read at all while actively working against any wagons on him and putting him in your solve. You did give reasons and arguments and cohesive thoughts on me and Garfooled. Brad, it just sounds like you’re trying to get credit for scumreading without actually having to present any reasons that townies might pick up on.

That is in fact what I am saying

bro if this doesnt hit…

im a lucky boy for actually having my shot work