Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!




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i signed up to an ita game not to a miss simulator


i straight up dont think this makes sense which makes it really difficult to combat
yeah of course when im barely reading half the game theres gonna be people who benefit more from me doing whatever feels right in the moment
thats just how it works out. there was too many people it wasnt balanceable
look hard enough into anyones actions and there will be someone who benefits from them the most

naw it’s genuinely painful lmao

also i had a scum game with brad. he did nothing. then died. that absolutely throws me off here

hottake is jaiden and may is tvt

Sure, people do things that benefit others but not to the extent that Brad’s benefited from your actions. Again, you spent all of yesterday ignoring a top wagon because “he’s Brad” and pushing against, basically anyone you could find, contradicting yourself multiple times to go for any wagon against him, and now you’re claiming he’s one of your top scumreads? That just… doesn’t track as a town motivation

im arguing this with you knowing full well this will change 0 outcomes

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If Zenon tries to shoot me again tomorrow and I die, you have my permission to shoot her.

contradictions where

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What do you expect with 18%?

also no the fuck i am not
brad is not one of my top scumreads he was quite literally tacked on the end when i thought i was about to die

1 successful shot per day

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“brad too” is very clearly an auxiliary read

thats lowballing it too since 0.18*14 = 2.52 successful shots

You said I was hard town when I cased Zorvo, you went back and were like “well what’s thread consensus can I shoot May”, then you said I was hard town again when you were pushing Garfooled, then you immediately swapped around once that didn’t take. I get inconsistency, I changed my read on you, but the way you swapped around was just based on whatever was most convenient at the time to push someone else other than Brad, not any kind of… reasonable progression in one direction or another. There was no momentum.

Guys does…
Oh gosh
O.kazo was replaced

MODERATORS!!! Pedantry!!! He was still one of your top four, that’s pretty high up on the list, you placed him over Garfooled who you also mentioned in the same post