Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

I just like arguing

No he wasn’t???

this is because i felt like i was forgetting a townclear on garfooled and i didnt want to look like an idiot or look for said townclear
turns out there wasnt. oops
garfooled above Brad btw

i do not its scary anf makes me feel bad why do i play mafia

^ Garfooled is town unpaired with Jaiden

gee its like i had no idea what to think and felt like i had to do something when i had nothing i felt strongly about

They’re not in the vote thing

We’re genuinely not achieving anything talking to each other like this, we don’t have to keep doing it if you’re not enjoying it. If you’re town, your time’s much better spent finding out who you think my partners are, what you think worlds that I’m not wolf look like, that kind of thing, making a world that tracks so that you’re findable town. I’m not incapable of pulling out of a tunnel, but directly arguing isn’t the thing that’ll do it.

(And outside the mafia game, your time is best spent getting some rest <3)

The best defence is a good offence. My only defence is a good offence. This is a thing a commentator said about my Spaltoon team once but I think it applies to all aspects of my character including mafia

Assuming Brad is a Wolf, I can Definitely see this.

Neither was Eliza, who was replaced.

That is a problem.
Especially late game.

I’m assuming you have some stronger reads now yeah?

Who was looking for your permission
Literally who are you and who do you think you are


zenon v nya

totally unexpected reevaluation /s


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I am Zorvo, and in case someone was following my reads that’s what I say.

Also I feel like if May is Town they are really good to follow right now because May is Achro in training.

I think I’ll follow Guava and May.

I misread her sure, I also voted Achro and Kork.

So yeah. I just moved on, oh well.

I mean if Brad flips wolf it’s possible I die tonight.

But Zenon loves me so maybe I’ll get lucky and Guava will die instead.

Or we’re wrong and then they don’t kill either of us cuz we’re throwing LMAO