Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

So, now I know, how Schrödinger’s cat could feel.

(According the host, I am alive)

Apparently I am the missing 14th person on that list. (That’s the same reason I went for the host to confirm, I am dead or alive…)

Oh have we pinged the host about you not being on vc yet

Let me do a Strike Out thing to figure something out.

Strike Out are dead town members.
I didn’t cross out Aro or Wazza.

Pretty sure the votes indicative Brad/Zenon/Dota contain at LEAST 1 and Eevee is a wolf.

Let’s play Eevee Shoots a Teammate.

Alright, now shoot them.

Y’all should trust these guys: Guava, Garfooled, Jar and May if Brad flips Wolf

Don’t trust these guys: Eevee, BradLand, Zenon and Dota.

Do I think this is the team? No.
But I think this can be 3/4.

If Brad flips Town does May become suspicious?

Considering it would be only May and Zenon as the last two remainder who shot Aro.
I wouldn’t say they become instant mafia but May isn’t high anymore for me.

If Zenon is a wolf maybe Raji was killed cause of **Bolded **

I think this points to Eevee!Wolf as a certain thing? I also see a high likelihood of Eevee and Brad being teammates.

Also @Zenon ignoring a dead villager Arctic’s request is lol.
You should be at least voting or questioning Eevee here lmao, you sure your town girl? Because I’m starting to doubt it.

Eevee shot Arctic FYI.
Zenon also didn’t give an actual fuck about it.

This is why O.Kazo isn’t my priority and once I get rid of the more threatening wolves, Kazo’s alignment should become more clear.

This is why I will continue to trust Guava.

/shoot Eevee

@Italy @CRichardFortressLies @Questionable_Host

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If Eevee is a wolf this is just outed town and no one shoot Kazo over Eevee please ^_^

Can we get a hit?

Or like a higher percentage on shots?

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Wait, your town reads are Brad, Zenon, Dota?

Are you just LolCatting at this point?

Like when the fuck did I say that?


@May @BradLand @Zenon @fraZ0R @… whoever else?

Let’s start with a simple question. Who has the momentum right now? Town or scum?

Well, obviously scum. 3 town lynches in a row. What’s more, as I said, I expect it to be 3 T/T wagons in a row. So what should happen?
Slowing the game down and reevaluate. Or just read again, doesn’t have to change the reads. But regardless… check down if everything really makes sense.

Instead we have like half a hammer and half of shots fired instantly.

I’m not telling you who to read, how to read them. I’m just telling you that the current situation is well unnatural and pretty much speeding up downhill.

Like @BradLand @May if you are town, you are aware wagon formations sucked this game, as you were counterwagons. That we are still going after easy targets, instead of actually doing something impactful.

It might be macro guy blabering for you, but I hope this makes sense for you. Cause I don’t see recovery chance till there is some kind of cooperation, instead of rushing the game forward.

eevee out.

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Literally in post I quoted.