Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

I find it funny you’ve been soft defending Brad this entire game and Brad has also been on you and Zenon for some reason dropped their wolf read on you despite Arctic’s suspicion towards you.

You’re not that bad as a town player.
You are plenty capable of reading the post above the post I pinged that would give you your answer.

Eevee is obviously trying to get people off of Brad right now, it’s telling.

When I was a wolf with Eevee they have done something similar to this before and it worked.
Don’t let it work, get rid of Brad.

Bro, it’s 31st, the work evaluation day.
One day I said before game I cannot have time to read. Or at least read comprehensively.

In like 3h from now I will just disappear from thread for several hours straight and show only at around EoD.

Then before you disappear how about I go over 3 things.

1)Who’s your suspects?
2)Why can’t you when pinged and you not sure what players numbered means, just look at the post right before the ping?
3)Out of Brad/Zenon/Dota who would you shoot?


Other 2 are VERY likely town.

Do you think the Aro Shooters are Pure, All Town?

Okay, quick thought process of mine:

  1. Wtf, Zorvo is talking, why would anyone shoot teammates.
  2. Wait stop, who did he name again?
  3. Wtf, since when does he consider them town?

It’s perspective thing in 3rd. I’m town.
You said you want me to shot teammates. So I got confused when you said this names.

Meanwhile you wrote it from me!scum perspective. I get it.

Basically I believe your likely a wolf with Brad and I’m trying to figure out who of Dota/Zenon is your other partner and then try and figure out if you would actually shoot your partner or not.

Also if it’s like You/Brad/Zenon then holy are you guys gonna go for the “Town Each Other” Tactic?


All? Probably no.
Is there more than 1 mafia in there? Also no.

Why would mafia shoot each other after perfect EoD1 with T/T wagon and more or less low effort input from them to achieve that?
Do people left really seem like brave enough to shoot teammate or scared enough to not shoot town.

Becouse most of them are rather middle of the road between calculated planning to shoot to ride on alibi and being too scared to actually shoot town.

I REALLY don’t think there is more than 1. Yet we are regularly eliminating people like this. Why?

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Do you think May is a Wolf?

As I said, my working theory is “No”.

So you think it’s Pure?

I dont feel like playing thr number lf players have become less now

As a working theory, yes.

My first focus to bussing would be probably O.Kazo, but I’m not going to focus on that either.

Also man i have no clue on whom to shoot just like last day. I am scared i mi hit a town

Eevee u literally shot someone who was murdered what do you say about that

I’d Shoot Eevee tbh.

Clears O.Kazo permanently if a wolf and Arctic told us to kill Eevee if they shoot them.

That I was right and he was wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

No seriously, I shot him because he was pursuing easy lynches on townie people.
We ended up on easy lynch, it flipped town.

As I said - if Arctic is town, his performance was terrible.

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Zorvo, have you heard of term “reevaluation”.
Have you heard “judge eevee by results”?

So far I’m actually way more on point than general public is.
You even called me smartass town or TMI wolf.

Would you hurt you to listen to me in expectancy to get something else than clears after I wolf flip?
Becouse I am not going to wolf flip.

Please dont hit and be town
Please dont hit and be town
/shoot eevee @CRichardFortressLies @Italy

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