Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Her Min read?

That’s cuz I am an egirl LOL
Though technically I’m an e-enby
But I’m an egirl in the same way I’m a catboy

This person is not town

No way

We shouldn’t talk about replacements but this is NOT what I was thinking when I said I thought I knew who it was

A lot of the things you said flew right over my head BUT you’re voting with me so that is cool

Iaafr reached the postcap, so you shouldn’t expect a response until the last hour of a day.


I apologise, but I don’t deal with W/W or W/V or V/V reads, they really don’t work as much as people think they do, if I’m honest I think it indicates absolutely nothing, it just shows my point about Iaafr’s shaky reads, if I commented on this meaning something regarding both slots, I would’ve done it for multiple more reads.

Your emotes are cute but please read my post even if you agree with my read lmao


Ah my bad.
Didn’t notice, thanks.

Jeeeeesus christ Wazza, we get it, you’re town.


BTW, why is Aro wolf?

It was one of them.


you are the first person to admit being an egirl
every time i have told someone they talk like an egirl they were in denial


When I said she wasn’t “overly confident” in a read, I meant to the degree where “it doesn’t matter what anyone else says, it doesn’t matter if anyone agrees, I believe this and it’s true and I’m right” and she’s actually right. Not in an egotistical way, but Min is mostly townread anyway, so it’s not really what I’m looking for.

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I read it I was just like

I think I get your argument but you said so many words that I feel like I was supposed to take away more from it after reading it all than I did



Nice we are voting a wagon and we don’t even know why.

What say you?

Nobody read my post and this is proof :pensive:

Iaafr spewed the whole Aro read, dropped off it, refused to elaborate and shoved the blame onto lol, that’s literally one of my major points

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Wait so if you don’t know why Aro is a wolf why are you voting him?

Section about Iaafr forcing the Aro push

[quote=“Wazza, post:1819, topic:4859”]

The worst part about this read is that Aro hadn’t been in the thread for most of the trolling that Particleman was doing so their belief in Particleman’s read could easily be real despite how they were acting, the indication they were trolling didn’t come until much later, it just felt like they were jumping to conclusions quickly at the time and could’ve easily been another player that was playing an act.

I also hate this part, why would someone instantly assume “troll and bullshit” regarding a fellow slot no matter if they’re town or scum, they have absolutely no reason to jump to this conclusion unless it’s blatantly obvious, I’ve seen it throughout your ISO and throughout other posts of the game where people have taken troll and bullshit posts seriously, should we suspect everyone who has done this? There’s such a lack of thought between these jumpy reads from Iaafr that it’s extremely poor.

@Zorvo @BradLand @guavagudetama


Interesting cause the only person I remember mentioning the Aro wagon and was considering voting it is


Who believes lol is a wolf.

we love a broken quote


Would you like us to vote out Achromatic instead? :eyes:

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Ya’know what…

VOTE: Iaafr

We can vote out IAmAFURRY