Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Alright. I’m still not feeling great, but I ate a meal and drank some water and I feel at least somewhat like a human again. I think I’m ready to Be Here.

I’ve caught up on everything that’s been posted in the meantime since I left, and my main takeaway is that Wazza,,, I’m not the type to effort-clear, but this day has been so stagnant in a way that I think wolves would like. I don’t know her meta, but posting walls at this specific time in the game looks very good to my eye.

iaafr kinda, became consensus town in between their early posts, which I scumread, and the posts I’ve been able to realtime, which have been pretty minimal on account of the postcaps. I really need to get that gap in my knowledge of thread filled in, but it’s my birthday and so I deserve to put it off. I haven’t really elaborated on my read on him since my initial post, because I know in recent games I’ve gotten unfairly touchy about being scumread while sick, but I think a new wagon is needed right now, I think iaafr’s a good player to place it on, and I think Wazza’s post makes sense - the account makes iaafr read like a player acting the part of town leader but adjusting their reads in the background without real, progression about it.

I’m open to answer any specific questions anybody has, but it’ll probably be after Birthday Activities. Because of my birthday.


‘Scuse you.


It’s funny tbh.

as Wazza said.
Iaafr led the wagon and yet lol got the attention but I’m looking back at the votes and lol always had the attention before the Aro vote even started but you know who didn’t? Iaafr.
Had zero attention.

I’m also gonna note Raji was the only one to drop their vote off of Lol and moved to May, outside of a two wagon train.

Remember also Lol was voting @min until the switch onto Aro led by Iaafr.

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Can I help you?

Do I have a volunteer?

VOTE: Iaafr


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Something to share with the class?

Got enough pizza for the rest of us you pizza shit?

I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.

Quite honestly, I don’t want to drop the Garfooled wagon, because I think they’ve been wolfier than iaafr from what I’ve seen, and crucially, I’ve actually read their whole iso myself. However. 7/4/4/3 is not my favourite gamestate. So I may switch over. Later. I’m going to go pay attention to my family now.

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How did that break?

Also for legal reasons that’s a joke.

Fucking hell that got ruined tho.

Holy man, the hate on the furries is unreal eh? :joy:

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No I just made up a name for IAAFR and thought it was funny.

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You need to manually correct multi-quotes sometimes. It’s not that hard.


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(About Wazza)

image image

Happy Birthday!

…but your vote’s still on Gar?


I was trying to put attention on iaafr but no one listened…



I, for one, find this current game state hilarious and I’m hoping everyone else also thinks so.

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I didn’t realise that Zenon went over the postcap, but I probably shouldn’t be surprised. She’s probably town for that, a wolf partner would’ve warned her sooner I think.

NAI. She hits postcap every day as either alignment.

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The gm could have warned her after she went over