Word Match V: Friendship is Necromancy Magic

you know what, litten, you can submit “sometjint.” let’s see if your teammates think of it too…


If it was argue/argument/argument would we have gotten the match

we didnt get Palace vs Royal Palace either and that was particularly fucked up

No. I decided that ARGUE/ARGUMENT was not a match when they were submitted, and it was only when it became game-relevant that we started questioning that decision.


I feel like that was an obvious one?
Like, one is far more generic than the other.

What? I was talking about how “shouting/debate” would clearly follow to everybody guessing some variant of “argument”, but Zug submitted “politics”, not a mod decision

If you didn’t allow a win on “palace/palace/the royal palace” I would be seriously raising some eyebrows tbh

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One thing I liked to keep in mind when judging matches was that, like, whatever I judge, people have to go on and say other words based off of this. “Argue” and “argument” are more related to each other than any other related words possibly could be, it would be unpleasant and bullshit-feeling to try to continue playing based off of “argue/argument/argument”, you’d scatter in completely different directions, so I tended to give some lenience there for the sake of the game being fun.

Obviously, there’s grey areas, and there’s sets of words that are closely related that still shouldn’t be considered a match, and it doesn’t actually affect the fun of the game as strongly to judge something not a partial match (cause it doesn’t affect whether you keep playing or not). But, like, there’s a point where it feels like you’re being held back by the GM’s judgement and not your teammates’, and I wanted to avoid getting to that point when I was hosting

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oh i thought this was still about that from earlier sorry my pings bad but like in my brain

This also meant I was kind of inconsistent on whether words counted as “the same” in matching vs disallowing repeats: if people said “argue/argument” I’d be more likely to judge that a match than I would be to disallow “argue + event” → “argument” (though I think that last one is a questionable example tbh, point still stands about there being overlap). This is technically logically inconsistent! Technically there should be a complete mental dictionary of which words are and are not “the same” that doesn’t take context into account. But I think it’s reasonable to be forgiving in areas like this. It’s like how in Celeste the hitboxes of the spikes are smaller than the spikes themselves

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@nutella i almost did Sharp as well lol
Good pick


I received those results and send that message right before dinner and Marluna asked if I wanted to submit “Why”


Tbf i also considered saw but went with muh gut

I go with my gut, the same gut that caught several deep wolves when no one else did, the same gut that was able to find fellow townies good when no one else could, the same gut that could consistently read Alice, and the same gut that is decent at reading people I have no meta on and getting accurate reads. I make mistakes, but I have learned that if I don’t trust my own gut I accidently shoot townies. There have been games in which I trusted a public shotlist and neglected my own gut feelings and guess what, I was right. Some things can’t be explained with “reason”, it just works. You should try trusting intuition more. I really don’t try to have a massive ego, it’s just I want people to recognize my gift


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you’ve seen what other people have submitted


I don’t remember it though

But like

Presumably it would actually have to be related to those words, and “why” isn’t really related to those words.

i remember hosting word mash 3 and several people went with absolute nonsense that we had to ask about

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assuming logical continuity isnt for word mash hosts