World's Finest - GAME OVER ASH WINS

Hm… Without any odds to escape or dodge, I’d expect around 8 rounds?


personally i expected public upgrades, but only after power is activated


@Aleph @Daeron @Ash @Marshal @Squirrel2412 @Zone_Q11


  1. Stockpile: If you have unused Energy at the end of the round, it will go to the Stockpile and can be used later. The Stockpile may only hold up to half of the owner’s current Health.

Zone_Q11 - 1 → 15
Marissa - 8
Squirrel - 5

  1. Chronoshield: If you take non-burn damage, instead you will Burn that much damage next round.

Marissa - 12
Squirrel - 5
Daeron - 4
Zone_Q11 - 1

  1. Defensive Overload: Gain X shields, where X is anywhere between 1 and your Health. After damage calculation, Burn for Y, where Y is your excess shields. This ability initially costs Burn 0, but this cost increases by 10 every time you use this.

Zone_Q11 - 1 → 15
Marissa - 8
Ishmael - 1

  1. Final Gambit: If you are one of the last two players alive, you may activate this power to swap any number of powers with your opponent (including this one). Then, this power de-activates and cannot be used anymore.

Marissa - 12 → 21
Ash - 2
Zone_Q11 - 1
Ishmael - 1

  1. Parasite: All damage you do to other players (including via power) is halved (rounded up). If you die, this power goes to the player who damaged you the most that round (or whoever killed you, if not applicable)

Marissa - 1 → 7
Ash - 2 → 5
Ishmael - 1

  1. Absorb Pain: When you take damage from a player, your Energy next round is increased by that amount, and that player has their energy reduced by that amount. Does not affect Health.

Squirrel - 5 → 20
Daeron - 4 → 6
Ash - 2
Ishmael - 1

  1. Quasi-stellar Obliterator: Once per round, draw two bad mutations that cannot be stabilized. Then, give one to yourself and one to another player.

Daeron - 8
Ishmael - 1

  1. Call Option: Once all cards have been written and claimed, set M as the sum of all Cards’ Energy costs (variables are 0). When this card is played, spend 20 Energy to write a value X such that X > M / 3. Sum up the total Energy cost of all cards played during that turn. For every Energy that this sum exceeds X by, regain (X - M / 3) Health.
    After use, this card cannot be used again for three turns. If the condition for activation is not met, this cooldown is reduced to one turn.

Ash - 2
Ishmael - 1

  1. Devils Bargain: Strike a deal with another player, binding them and yourself to the terms. If the deal is broken, the violator is penalized according to the terms of the deal. (All potential deals are veto’able by the host just to prevent bullshit. I probably won’t veto, but still.)

Ishmael - 1 → 11
Squirrel - 5 → 10

  1. Incinerate: Your Attacks deal bonus damage equal to how much Health you have Burned this game.

Marissa - 18
Squirrel - 5
Daeron - 4

  1. Power U- wait this is just dragon install what the fuck: To activate this power, submit cool theme music to the host. Then all of your powers are upgraded, and the host posts your cool theme music.

Ishmael - 1 → 26
Daeron - 4 → 21
Marissa - 20
Ash - 5
Zone_Q11 - 1

  1. Replication: The host will not say when you have played this card until its activation or at the end of the turn.
    Spend 15 Energy to select a player. If that player targets you with an ability (either single-target or multi-target), negate all effects of that ability and gain a single-use copy of their card. This card cannot be copied in this manner.
    If that player does not target you during the turn, gain a Strike. At 3 Strikes, burn this card and all cards created by it.

Ash - 5 → 11
Squirrel - 5
Daeron - 4
Zone_Q11 - 1

  1. Shadow Council Executive: This power goes immediately after the first round of bidding to the highest bidder. You may then participate in a third round of bidding, where you may bid on any power you have been previously outbid for. You also Mutate after round 2.

Daeron - 7
Squirrel - 5
Zone_Q11 - 1

  1. Cursed Soul: - Once per game, spend all of your Energy to swap this Power with another player’s Power.

Marissa - 5
Squirrel - 5
Daeron - 4
Zone_Q11 - 1

Round 3 of bidding begins now, only for @Daeron due to Shadow Council!

There is a tie for Cursed Soul but I will choose to flip the coin after Round 3

Welp, Marshal got their Final Gambit + Parasite strat.


That’s not optimal.

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She has 42 HP. Maybe 37 if she wins Cursed Soul.


im realizing i missed how mutations works. so there needs to be an additional phase. oh well i’ll get it right when we get to it hahah

but basically after a mutation happens everyone can privately submit any amount of energy to try to stop it. and the mutating player but burn themself for any amount they wish, trying to guess the previous amount. so its a bit like a bid, although there is a refund for excess burn. i suppose this can be part of the standard action submission. not that big of a deal. well no coz the new power might be activatable. im not sure how to resolve this. maybe it needs two “main phases?” one just for the mutation phase, and another normal main round in case the mutated power is activatable

oh wait its FOLLOWING nvm i cant read

okay i get it


we can do it like this:

the mutating person can just give me two submissions, depending on if their mutated power is removed from them this round (because i think its supposed to happen before normal action submission). but instead of slowing the game with 2 main phases, ppl can just give me 2 submissions - one in case their power gets stabilized and one in case it doesnt

(if anyone has feedback about this lmk. i have no idea about the original game)

Me no comprehendo.

1 Like

i was trying to interpret this:

we have powers that give mutations and every player will naturally mutate too

i interpret it as it not being concrete how to resolve it if this happens:

player A spends 10 energy on mutated power
other players spend 20 energy to stabilize their power

does it happen simultaneously? is the player screwed if they invest energy and have their power removed? or its not simultaneous and the player can see if they still hold onto their power or not before investing energy into activating it?

TBH I signed up not understanding Mutation. I figured this game wouldn’t last long, so I signed up for fun and tried to learn on the fly.

Y’know, if you truly took over the game, then you can probably just modify the rules to your liking.


same :joy:

so kill me then :wowee:


Will do, Blackjack buddy! :smiley:


oh gorsh