I will try

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I hate this kind of read.

Most of the times the player being “too wolfy” often ends up indeed being a wolf.

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Yeah I used to be like that too. Until I realized when the game is going well for town it’s better to just keep clearing the POE and going for the easier worlds.

You only consider the harder worlds if the easier wprlds aren’t turning out right.

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but no, I’m not sure I want to kill Spooky first
I think they’re more likely to be wolf than Ash, but I’m rarely certain and now is no exception (…is this to say you are sure?)
still pondering the recent posts about Ash though

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Nah I’d disagree and say it’s about Rand in my experience

I fundamentally disagree with your easier worlds tho

I mean, I do think v!you would have a more confident read than you currently do, even if it’s not incredibly confident

You’ve seen 2/3 of my past wolfgames in the past ~14 months, and it’s pretty clear that I’m unable to fake this depth and volume of thoughts as wolf
And (unless I never mentioned this in DMs?) I haven’t played mafia since the very start of September, so I’d be pretty out of it if I rolled wolf

this isn’t a point about you in isolation
it’s that, when looking at the overall list

tutuu - voted soweli
Zugzwang - me (also voted soweli)
Leafia - voted soweli
Chomps - voted soweli


the point does apply to Derps/Marluna/Creature, but they’re likely town for other reasons (also they did not offer to move wagons at eod either)

NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thbthtbtbthbth I started believing in it somewhat after Pokemon mafia


also NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA @tutuu there was a game when you asked everyone to give you themesongs and this song is really good thbthbthtbhtbthbthbthb (IDK if it fits my vibes (probably not) but NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)

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if I had to pick I’d say it’s GTH wolf but I agree it’s most likely antispew

at night when I looked over them I originally came to

this conclusion
but then looking with fresh eyes I had different thoughts

Can you elaborate on this thbthtthbthbth
I don’t tend to feel soul in Ash’s posts due to his tone, regardless of alignment (unless you mean something different here?)

I do agree with your point about them not being in sync with the thread, and I can see the reads they’ve posted as just going through the motions (IE homework)

this is a stretch
what you’re saying requires w!Ash to think we would read his post and go “Litten not being there makes him uninformed”
IMO the reasonable explanation, for either alignment, is that Ash wanted to show his thought processes more clearly, so he left it in

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UNVOTE for now tthbthbthtbthbthb
mainly because, if tutuu is town*, I trust their reads here about as much as I trust my own

*I do have some paranoia here thbthtbthbthtb but I still think the much more realistic world is T!tutuu

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This isn’t a contradiction for me?
I didn’t scumread either Soweli or Ishmael, but given that the D1 vote was between those two players, I voted Ishmael.
I’m annoyed that I was wrong on that read, but I made a decision based on the information I had at the time. To me, Soweli seemed townier than Ishmael. This includes that interaction, but it also was because I saw Ishmael’s unvote as being wolfy. Ceteris paribus, she’d have been voted out. As such, I saw her unvote as being performative, a gamble where she has nothing to lose.
Granted, my wording is off-kilter - unvoting your counterwagon is towny in and of itself, but I saw it as wolfy in the broader context - but my underlying sentiment is not contradictory.

Im not certain either. But its the correct play, imo. May and Kyubey were vocal about killing Ash. Kyubey was the most vocal about Ash. I think its incorrect to not sheep night killed villagers more often than its correct. Ive won more mafia games by sheeping NKed villagers than games where I tried to solve on my own

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ASH Who are wolves gogogogo

Cute :blush::heart:

Zug is powering up

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Stealing Leafia’s signature technique.

Counterarguments to both parts of this:

I don’t think “promising to do things that I don’t get around to” is a wolftell. That is just me. It’s best seen in my writing backlog: it’s hit the double digits, with promises preceding Virtuous V. It’s not for a lack of care that it happens; it’s simply because I get distracted.

And on that note, my D2 was a consequence of New Year’s being far, far more busy than I was expecting, mostly because my parents didn’t want to stay in the house at all.
I don’t want to sign up for a game and then only make a single post. It’s just that I haven’t had a spare moment where someone isn’t staring over my shoulder.


My counterargument is that as mafia, I don’t play things quite as simply. I don’t factional people solely because they scumread me, and I think tunneling on this as being the primary reason both underevaluates my capabilities as wolf while also ignoring the wider context that both players were the main sources of forward momentum within the game.

As you later note:

From my own experience, very few games on FoL are “easy games”. Most of my own experience on the platform has been dominated by me completely misreading people. I understand the loss aversion of not wanting to lose “an easy game”, but by filing my alignment away under that framework is akin to choosing to dream instead of facing the potential (and, FMPOV, the legitimate) reality that we have incorrectly townread a player.

This is kinda true for me?
Would need to squint to see it, though.

I posted them at 2am from a sleepover. I literally did not see that Litten had died until then. Most of my thoughts were written down the night before, and I didn’t see any downside to posting my thoughts on Litten regardless, so I just did it.

I’ve been out of sync with the thread because I’ve barely had a moment to catch my breath, let alone analyze the current status of the thread.

I don’t think she’s PoE, mainly from how her D1 performance perfectly matches how she would approach the situation given her later claim.

On that Marluna note:

I wasn’t copying the town mentality because there wasn’t a town mentality to copy. I was trying to get a stagnant D1 going by noting the people who I townread and the people I wanted to see more from.

I didn’t like how underhanded Zug’s question appeared to me, and I was partially taking out my anger on him. Should not have done this, but I view this as NAI.

What else was there to go off of at the time? I thought Derps was unusually passive and that Chomps was fluff-posting, so I scumread them for that.

As mentioned before, it was 2am, and I didn’t have the time nor patience nor mental stability to really understand the game state.

I recognize that I have made townreading me a difficult thing. However, my defense is that I have been as open as I can about my reads, about where I stand on issues and how I have gotten there in a way I do not believe I do as mafia.

Spooky, as mentioned earlier.
No clue on who would be #3.


Forgot the “Good night. :sleepingleafeon:”


I didnt see emotion that I believe. Ash writes in an official tone but he can be very emotional as a person. Its not about necessarily yelling. You can tell, sometimes, if he’s annoyed or exhausted etc.

Im not sure how to word it. I dont think Ash is so robotic as to ignore ~everything~ in his big wall and just drop reads. Normally humans love to chit chat, fluff, say something funny. Be annoyed, be angry, be sad that theyre getting votes. Be skeptical that their teammates know what theyre doing. Soweli showed a complete absence of that (bar her attempt to ate at eod which made me laugh). Like, dropping a big list of reads just feels like he was “doing his job”. Im not wanting him to write multiple stuff that arent focused on reads, just like 1-2 sentences of humanity i think would have made me believe it more

Im looking at his wall again and in my opinion he’s stretching out his words a tad. Like when you have to write essays and reach a word minimum and you start adding words to make it longer. Almost all if not all of his reads include going back and forth “I am not thrilled, however…” Or “I am, admittedly … That said, …”

This isn’t a concrete reason to call him mafia. Marluna’s might be more concrete, I don’t know. I dont think I have a concrete reason to scumread Ash. Im just confident he has to be mafia because I trust in May and Litten that much. In team games sometimes you just have to put a ton of faith in your teammates to win sometimes, in my opinion. I dont have to solve everything on my own, I just have to do my part

Im reminded of a moment in professional CS:GO where one guy was defusing the bomb. An enemy popped up right in front of him. However, he didnt pull his gun out because he knew his teammate was there. He trusted him that he will protect him and he did. If it was SoloQ it would be everyone playing for themselves, he would have pulled out his gun, but here he fully trusted his teammate and just kept defusing the bomb. You see this different in mindset a lot in video games between SoloQ / casual play and tournaments

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Well I missed his new posts just now. Let me see

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Well that post is much better than his last one imo. In terms of townyness. Sorry if youre town Ash

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