Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

you either follow it or get shot now

doesnt this mean u can be next to another player’s tile and still work

… oops, I didn’t know that

“Guys someone’s scum tell is asking setup questions in thread”

Still, if you aren’t on the same tile as another player, you don’t know who they could be next to on their other side

I have a contingency for this it should be fine I doubt town would sneak on me either

Town’s agenda is to die, get reported, and then be the cause to get someone thrown out.

I ain’t followin’ any of that ****.

okay fine submitted the shot

if we can get groups of 3 its infinitely better then 2

Someone and Brak in group 1

We should name the group “Brakuren is going to get stabbed”

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An imperfect plan executed well is significantly better than a perfect plan executed messily or never.

I’m barely gonna have energy to to stuff i wanna go with may

Go with brak bionic. Theyll kill you but we need a sacrifice sorry

We only have four and a half hours left, Atlas is asleep, I want to execute the plan we have rather than try to argue over minutiae

I sais this mays stolen it smh plageurism

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message above this :(

Hippo saying this like he isn’t going to immediately kill Atlas once they reach the mountain tile

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im awake but super duper dizzy

You can’t all go with me !!!