Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

This… certainly looks like antispew.

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if tutuu flips wolf icet abi rose rhea are all certainly town

we have a solid POE after that

VOTE: tutuu abi isnt online and i dont want to let wolves potentially tie

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VOTE: Rhea

Pretty sure Rhea is a villager here and aftsr her argument against Tutuu, I’m willing to sheep her on that read. VOTE: Tutuu

Going to post this now in case I’m not able to catch up by the end of the day.

Didn’t even see the hammer before posting that. Laughs

Don’t really care don’t put people L1 if your vehemently opposed to the thing that might happen if someone is L1

hammer was reached stop talking

idk if zone is online so

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I overslept. My apologies.
tutuu has been executed.
They were vt.
D3 starts at 2023-11-23T22:00:00Z


IcetFeelsPain has been killed.
He was vt.
EOD3 is at 2023-11-25T22:00:00Z


This topic was automatically opened after 18 hours.

Well shit, there goes the masonry @PrincessAbigail

Just my feelings based on their messages, no real evidence. shrug

I trusted Abi and Abi trusted Ice. Can share my post N2 readlist if you want but it s nothing majorly special so far as I can tell.

Ice was the only one of the three that I wasn’t reasonably certain was town so I’m not upset. I’ll take Ice’s place if you want Abi. Then it can be complete again. Anyway, Thanksgiving is calling, so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:


well now i just completely need to reeval LOL


who else is town

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Indeed. But this is good news… kinda

Didn’t want Ice to die but it does show I’m on the right track with me reads