Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

I can see what you mean.

VOTE: Leafia

Woah the heck?!

At the risk of being yelled at

I do not like that hammer

… Actually looking back through her messages I almost see what you mean? Would still like an explanation.

Probably only because you didn’t do it and why the vote on me?

Me hammering is quite literally the very fibre of my being

Leafia hammering one of the best players in the lobby than going oops my bad didn’t know

That’s not her meta that’s her masquerading as me and i do not like it

Don’t get me wrong i hardly care that the hammer happened hammers are dope

I care about why it happened though

To be fair I peeked back and literally every single vote she’s made has been on a currently dead player and they were all VT.

VOTE: Leafia

I wasn’t the one that hammered Abi. The hammer happened before my post was made andf I made the vote while castching up. I didn’t even know anything about the votecount at the time.

Just to explain- not necessarily due to a scum read, just slowly leaning toward goon for you.

Uh no it wasn’t

You were the 5th vote on the wagon Leafia


I simply do not believe that

Wolfy sheeping.

Your point? I don’t automatically know who the villagers are you know.

6th. Look back.

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Then don’t believe it. I was obviously catching up if you even read the post with the vote. You have a very bad habit of misreading me by now so I shouldn’t really be surprised but I should literally be lockclear toyou right now if you think for even one second.

If I was a wolf you’d have died N1. I wouldn’t be killing people that I have progression to possibly push.

Don’t do the same thing Marl is practically famous for Abi.

And if you were a wolf? You’d know your partner I have to assume and thus would know everyone else is villagers.