Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

I made the vote fore I checked the votecount and there’s literally 0% chance you truly wolfread me. Because it’s obvious I was catching up when I made that post and you still haven’t explained why you’re still alive. Do you think I actually like getting pushed like this? Stop and think and get out of this stupid tunnel on me now.

*vote before I

I have a hard time believing that a town!Rose would sheep you so hard here too. VOTE: Rose

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Think Abi. Why would I have even hammered that as a wolf like that? It was less than an hour left in the day and Tutuu was guaranteed to be the execution and you exist.

You have said that you didn’t know what the vote count was and didn’t know you hammered but now you are saying you checked the vote count after you hammered so Leafia

How did you miscount the votes and not know you hammered when you checked the vote count and would have seen 5 votes not 6

You’ve cornered yourself with your lies

Abi, that’s not important or AI and prove they’re lies. Because ghey aren’t and T.V his happens every game where you think you caught me in a lie and you’re ignoring everything pointing to you being wrong. Which is literally everything else.

People can misremember stuff and be mistaken Abi. It isn’t AI and this has happened before when I was a villager.

Yo–skimmed reading up; don’t think you two are going to make much progress at this rate because you both seem like you are hard convinced in what you’re saying
ftr I don’t think that hammer was AI but w/e, going to respond to rose in a minute

Tbh Leaf you’re sounding more and more desperate as the suspicion is turned on you and I can’t tell if it’s a towny trying to stay alive kinda desperation or a wolfy desperate not to die situation, but with the near vitriol you’re throwing at me and Abi along with the ‘misremembering’, the Tutuu hammer and the insistence that there’s ‘no reason to lie’… Look I’m just saying I’m not leaving this wagon till you’re dead and therefore confirmed either way, now.

There’s 0% chance Abi truly believes what she’s saying and that’s the most annoying part. I know she’s better than this.

Especially the ‘no reason to lie’ bit. Social deduction games inherently breed lies, it s their literal purpose, so saying you have no reason to lie is completely negated because town or no it’s against essentially the entire purpose of half the game.

Then I’ll see you die first and likely fli pl wolf because that’s not a villagery mindset to have. Especially when the one beginning the push on me has a literal history of misreading me and I’m an obvious villager.

Rose, that’s literally false. Regardless of your alignment, you aren’t just going to lie about anything. You need a reason to make up a lie, like for example, if it fits your agenda.

I’ve seen “obvious good teamers” be literal evil team lead in different games and without the mechanical advantage to go on? Sorry but you ain’t gonna see me flip wolf when/if I die, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.

Please do

Rose, if you’re actually a villager, stop and think. If you’re a wolf though, keep this up, because you’re only digging your own grave.

Princess - executed
Otter - N1 kill
Tutuu - executed
Icet - N2 kill


Leafia (goon lean?)

And this is literally your first game with me, so what you have seen in other games has no bearing on this one.

Literally all I’ve done is stop and think about this game, sorry you don’t like the conclusions I’ve drawn and if I’m wrong then I’m wrong but I’m going off what I’ve got shrug.

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