Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

I wasn’t 100% on Ice but Abi seemed to be and I trusted Abi, looking back through everything there was something that made me want to goonlean Icet but it seemed significantly less as the days went on, therefore between my own altered read and the read of someone I trust as VT about as much as I can without a flip I decided the masonry was a good a strat as any.

Votecount as of P#1001

RoseRedWitch (2): Leafia, joycat
Leafia (1): RoseRedWitch

Not Voting (4): PrincessAbigail, jail, Rhea, Kiiruma

2 of my townreads are voting Rose and honestly I find the slot today to be a bit… lacklustre?
I disagree with quite a few things that have been said by Rose.

But in that world I’d probably be looking at Jail or Rhea as my last candidate.
I do dislike Abi’s posts about Leafia today but it feels more like town members butting heads rather than an attempt at an agenda push.

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@PrincessAbigail in the world where Leafia is wolf (since you seemed to be considering it) who would be your ideas for potential partners? I’d guess you’re currently trying to build viable teams for both sides of the Leafia/Rose thing.

atp i dont know what im doing social deduction wise

what’s up

i have to work so :wowee:

Can you try? Doesn’t have to sound good just try to explain in as much detail as you can.

I don’t build teams but Leafia Rose is very viable imo based off a post i called out earlier

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This game is a hard loss if people aren’t gonna play


I’m interested in that duo but I certainly wouldn’t say it’s impossible.
I’ll be killing Rose out of the 2 today though since Leafia is a somewhat townread to me.
Not voting rn because I don’t want to risk early hammer.

Long story short? Hydra madness, direct opposition and tone of messages. Short story long? The dissonance between heads has had me messed up a lil since they started, they’ve been in direct opposition to me since I scumread them at the start but haven’t really tried to talk me out of it just scumread me in return (like, at least Leafia attempted to argue even if it wasn’t well done imo?) and since the start they tried to stay in control wherever they could which makes me personally suspicious because directing the flow of knowledge and conversation is a key skill for evil is social deduction imo

Woah where’d that come from lmfao nice flip /gen XD

If y’all want me dead that bad we can just early hammer, heck I’ll vote for myself and get outta this game lmfao

Why did you trust Abbi that much, then? And, given you find it suspicious for someone to control the game, why were you not suspicious of Abbi when she did the same?

I can’t fully speak for Cat, but how I see it:

  • Hydra dissonance is a natural part of being a hydra, and not scummy
  • I only started scumreading you late d2 (Cat had that read somewhat earlier, idrm for what though), and we posted reasons then - it wasn’t simply omgus.
  • I did attempt to talk you out of your scumread on us D1:

You can argue I should’ve pushed further here, but given you were wolfreading us for things I found towny, it didn’t look like that was gonna go anywhere.

  • And finally, as for controlling the conversation - We’ve posted a lot, so yeah, we’re gonna have a large effect on the conversation. Posting a lot isn’t wolfy though (in fact in general it’s >rand town, though fairly weakly).


Is this to say “I actually think Leafia/Rose could be the case, and no longer locktown Rose” or is it to say “If you don’t TR Rose, then Leafia/Rose is reasonable, so you guys should vote Leafia instead of Rose”?


Mostly agree with this - it reminds me of my (T/T) push against Psyx D1 in Stratagem-15, where I found something that I thought was a lie, and pushed super hard because I thought I caught something, and Psyx got pretty annoyed at me (eventually we found out we were just misunderstanding eachother :wowee:)


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who else is toen

yall work has me COOKED

Votecount as of P#1018

RoseRedWitch (2): Leafia, joycat
Leafia (1): RoseRedWitch

Not Voting (4): PrincessAbigail, jail, Rhea, Kiiruma

Pinging players with lesser than 15 posts from SOD3 to this post

@jail (6)
@joycat (6)
@Rhea (0)
@Kiiruma (3)

tax time!


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