Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

Now to head out for the time being. :sleepingleafeon:

You found this post villagery, sure, but how was it enough to counteract your confident wolfread from D1? Also, why do you say “Leafia is a slot I have trouble reading”? It doesn’t seem you have meta on her, so what would make her harder to read than any other slot?


Well, here we go.

First things first, I am aware I have been wrong all game and I am sorry for it. I have been trying not to let it get to me, I have been trying to keep being confident regardless, but I would be lying if I said it hasn’t stung, and if I fail here, it will be fully my fault that we have lost. I promise I am usually better than this. I want to redeem myself.

Leafia snap-voting me and the game not ending means I know for certain she is a wolf. Evidently, she’s done this because she thinks she is the towniest wolf, and can push me over because the other villagers in the game townread her over me.

I think Kiiruma is likely town, then, as a player who has prominently townread her and wolfread me.

This is hell

Time to go through and respond to today’s posts.

This doesn’t make any sense for a villager to do. Almost every villager would want to wait for at least somebody else to post before snap-voting. Nobody wants to take the blame for a loss that way.

Additionally, Leafia was confident two minutes after day-start as to who the wolf was, and this confidence was based on the nightkill. There was barely enough time to type this post between the kill being announced and Leafia making her conclusion. She’s a wolf who came into the day with a plan, and that plan was to kill Abigail to push me over. This is outing.

Leafia’s opening post today, in addition to being a snap-vote based on the night kill that had been announced to town two minutes before, claims that Abigail would have snapvoted her. That doesn’t make any sense. Abigail was voting for me over Leafia yesterday. Abigail was completely tunneled on me being a wolf. She specifically moved off of Leafia to vote for me.

Leafia, however, seems to have thought otherwise, worrying that Abigail would have snap-voted her, and that’s why Abigail died. Leafia specifically killed Abigail in order to be able to push me today, thinking that enough people townread her that she could just powerwolf me over, and she came in with that exact agenda in mind.

This just isn’t true, Leafia was shading me yesterday and “playing both sides” with Rose, so to speak:

The narrative that Leafia townread me is completely untrue. She’s lying here to push agenda: in fact, I think what’s happening is that she’s just replacing her own name with mine here. The wolves were scared of Abigail realizing she was wrong on me and snapvoting Leafia if she was left alive, and now Leafia thinks that she can push me over by opening with a vote on me.

I wolfread Leafia on D1 because her opener was, well, wolfy. They were overly heavy-handed in say that she wished she randed wolf. That wolfread was reinforced by the way that she argued throughout D1, saying that Abigail was “bad at reading her” rather than ever suspecting she was a wolf.

During D2 and subsequent days, honestly, I was starting to think it was too wolfy to actually come from a wolf, that her arguments just… failed to advance wolf agenda because they were so weak and nonsensical. Additionally, there were other players who I thought were wolfier who I focused on, which, in hindsight, was a mistake.

I’ve been busy. I don’t check the forum every day. This has been true of me for this entire game, and arguing that I am not a villager because I haven’t been online is nonsensical and confirmation-biased. This is clear agenda.

Nice try wolf. Why haven’t you spoken until now? And if I’m the wolf, why wasn’t Abi, who was scumreading me and pushing me the whole game, killed far earlier and not only once she started pushing you?

You’ve actually done very well pushing your wolfy agenda and all those misexes.

Literally what I was planning on doing my last game as a villager and wolves very rarely if ever snapvote. You’re literally howling here.

This is literally howling. I was far from confident and I had decided I was going to snapvote you as soon as D3 ended. I even stated yesterday that I believed there was a wolf between you and Rose and you’ve done nothing but push wolfy agenda all game.

I was afraid of the possibility and if it makes no sense for her to snapvote me why would I kill her last night?

It literally is true and you know it. I wasn’t even beginning to shade you yesterday. You’re literally making things up right now.

It literally isn’t when you’ve had almost 24 hours and just appesred just now.

Leafia has spelled out her own plan very clearly here as soon as she came into thread. Abigail died, and she immediately 1. claimed that she thought Abigail would snap-vote her if she lived, establishing her motivation to make this kill and 2. concluded that I was certainly evil off of this and snap-voted me.

There is no reason a villager would do this. There is no reason to vote for me within two minutes of seeing the kill (unless, of course, she knew the kill was happening ahead of time). There is no reason to falsely claim she townread me until today.

There is, however, a clear wolf motivation to do this: Leafia got overconfident with how many players were townreading her, and now she thinks she can push me over. If I can do anything right this game, I want it to be convincing you all of this.

Just keep spouting your BS Rhea. You’re making it super obvious that I’m the villager and you’re the wolf right now. You’ve been leading every misexe with your bs this entire game. Congratulations on fooling me as long as you did too. I’m pretty impressed.

I don’t think anyone will be tricked by your lies and wolfy agenda Rhea and if they are, town deserves to lose.

Also, wolves almost never snapvote in lylo and if I was a wolf, not only would Abi have been dead N1, but I’d have never snapvoted. Just look at all my wolf games in which I’ve been alive in lylo. Never even once have I ever even placed a vite in lylo as a wolf. It’s just not my style.

I’d just have no reason to snapvote in lylo or to kill Abi. If I had been a wolf and for some reason kept Abi alive in the hopes she’d snapvote you since she was voting for you at EoD and even if she snapvoted me, she’d always snapvote you the next day. So Abi dying last night never makes sense if I’m a wolf.

I was busy. I was traveling back home after Thanksgiving. How does this make any sense whatsoever? Wolves want to speak early, they want to be the first to push their agenda, there is no advantage that a wolf gains by waiting to speak. You are the one who jumped at the chance to influence thread. Two minutes after the kill, hardly enough time to even type the post you sent snap-voting me.

You evidently preferred other night kills. There’s a million reasons why: maybe you thought the kill would be too obvious, or maybe Abigail was townreading your partner. Checking the dead villagers’ legacies:

Otterpopd had you listed as her top wolfread.

Icet explicitly didn’t think you were town.

There was plenty of reason for you to prioritize other kills over Abigail, and arguing that you “can’t be a wolf” because you didn’t kill her very well could have been that reason.

You supported every single misexecution. You voted for PrettyPrincess, you hammered tutuu, and you had your vote on RoseRedWitch all of yesterday in a way that should have made me more uneasy. Arguing this is massively hypocritical. You let me take credit for the misexecutions, because I was confidently wrong, and hid behind it every single time.

Wolves don’t usually snapvote in their first post. Villagers don’t, either. Claiming that wolves “rarely if ever” do so is exactly what you were planning to hid behind with the vote.

This is a slip! You snapvoted me stating you were doing so because Abigail died. If you were a villager, you should not have known Abigail was going to die.

Because you believed that she would realize she was wrong on me if she survived. A player who looks like they’re going to snapvote a player and then unexpectedly survives will reconsider their read, because they would have died if they were right.

I literally quoted the posts where you did.

I was busy.

The fact that you can make this argument is exactly why you did it. Self-meta is worthless, as a player who is aware of their meta can intentionally break it to argue that they never do so, and Abigail surviving last night would have never made sense if I were town. That’s why you had to kill her.

my honest take:

leafia v rhea is reminding me of another game in lylo i did and voted wrong in and so now im like. hrm


If people take away anything from what I’m saying, I want it to be this. Leafia slipped. She said she was planning all night to snap-vote me, but if you look at her first post:

She explicitly states that she’s voting me because Abigail died last night. Leafia knew Abigail was going to die. This is a wolf slip.