Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

I wolfread Kiiruma because he seemed to be partnered with Rose. Rose turned out to be a villager. He is unpartnered with you, because your confidence at the start of the day implies that you thought you could get a villager to misvote, and Kiiruma is the player most strongly townreading you. Now that I know you’re a wolf, I think Kiiruma is more likely to be a villager.

I have already explained this. I did not have “zero progression”. I do not think of players as black-and-white “wolfy” or “towny” in isolation. Kiiruma doesn’t make sense as your partner here, so I don’t wolfread him now.

Rhea’s points are clearly wolf agenda.

You did have zero progression because you didn’t explain that earlier. It just appeared out of nowhere.

Yesterday, I very much cased Rose and Kiiruma as a wolf team, because that is how I solve, looking for teams of players over individuals.

And here is where I explain exactly what I just said: you were extremely confident at the start of the day that you could push a misvote, so I believe you think you have a villager on your side, someone who will vote with you no matter what. And I believe that’s Kiiruma.

I wasn’t confident in you being a wolf at all and that’s made clear by my post. So don’t give me that bs.

Also, don’t make me laugh on this. He hasn’t been confident at all in his read on me. At least you’re spewing Kiiruma town so there’s that.

Then why did you snap-vote me?

Because Abi was super sure that you were a wolf and I just didn’t care much if I won or lost at that point and I literally said that there was likely a wolf in you/Rose yesterday which Rose agreed with so I decided screw it. If my vote on Rhea ends the game, I’ll just blame how Rose was wuick to sheep Abi as well as how Abi acted towards your slot. I just want this game to end at this point.

The point isn’t that you were confident I was a wolf. You are mechanically locked as a wolf; you are confident I am town. What you projected confidence in was the fact that you thought you could get a villager to misvote me.

Kiiruma outright stated that he thought you were town and that I was a wolf. You would have every reason to believe he would vote with you if you projected confidence the next day. That was your exact plan to win.

Wrong. Mechanics literally don’t exist this game so it’s impossible for someone to be mechanically locked as a wolf. Nice try though and does this sound confident to you?

This is the exact oplosite of confident.

Jesus fucking Christ.

It is a locked-vote final-five scenario. If you were a villager and you voted me, the wolves would be assumed to hammer and the game would be over. You have literally established that you “know I am a wolf” for this reason.

There is no way you can possibly be ignorant of this fact. You have acknowledged how locked-votes scenarios work yourself. When you claim that there’s no way for me to mechanically know you are a wolf, you are knowingly lying.

And how does that make me lockwolf to the other players?

Also, you’d have to be a villager to make that true, so you’re the one that’s lockwolf here by your definition.

Never once did I say that if you were a villager that I’d be lockwolf to you. But it doesn’t make the wolf lockwolf to everyone else like you want peoe to think.

*I wouldn’t be

You’re literally twisting my words right now to fit your agenda.

I am going to take a step away from this game for a little while. I’ll be back in a bit. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions.

Yeah. I should probably fo the same thing, so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

this does look like a wolf slip
and it really doesn’t make any sense for this to not weight into a snapvote
…and actually, if you weren’t expecting abbi to be killed, and were expecting her to snapvote you, wouldn’t that interfere with your plan of snapvoting rhea?


dont get too heated yall. love you

i hve my thoughts but ngl im scared to vote for lylo again because i dont feel like being flamed by someone again in endgame for being too stupid or whatever

Which is why I was hoping I’d get on before Abi and that doesn’t even resemble a slip Joycat.

Also, I feel that Jail should be the next to vote since GTH, I’d say he’s Rhea’s partner. You won’t be flamed no matter what Jail. Even if you’re a villager, it isn’t easy to see the truth and everyone knows and understands this.