30 [3/8] rings (canned)

Is that… an instant reshuffle?

Someone drew from the deck of the fourth turn.

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There is no rule against guessing/discarding after the hidden card was correctly guessed.

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Okay… So, Turn 5 should start now, right?

In a few moments.

All cards get taken back from the players as they were.

One card got hidden from the deck again.

Everyone got their cards, and a player randomly got chosen to be the first player.

@Ash you are the first player, you can guess first, before that you can discard any number of cards you want.


Well, that was fast.

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Ash guessed
Three, triangle

It is

the hidden card was
Three black triangle

Ash will get 5 victory tokens at the end of the game.


The cards will be collected and a new turn will start in two hours.

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Actually wild (I had three black circles and three black squares).

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To quote:


Current standings.
Ash: 2 win (9 Vt)
Someone: 2 win (9 vt)
Zone: 0 win (0 vt)
Turnswithout player victory: 1/3

All cards get taken back from the players as they were.

One card got hidden from the deck again.

Everyone got their cards, and a player randomly got chosen to be the first player.

@Zone_Q11 you are the first player, you can guess first, before that you can discard any number of cards you want.

Zone_Q11 discarded the following cards

Three gray triangle
One black triangle
Two black triangle
Three black triangle

And draws 4 new cards

Zone_Q11 guessed

Black, circle
It is

Next guess is due in 24 hours

Zone discarded the following cards
One black circle
Two black circle

And draws 2 new cards


I am quite busy right now, reveals will happen (and voting for next game starts) in three to four hours.

Let’s start with the elephant in the room.

Altough there was no “game of chicken” because both player in the aforementioned scenario had their own circumstances, but

Ash is 100 % right.
In a competitive game free turn order doesn’t work the way I implemented here.

There are some options I could try, if I ever want to host this specific game again.
Here are some I can think of right now.

-After the first player’s guess, decrease the reward with every wrong guess. (Not just your own) : This would inspire the more competitive players (who want bigger reward) guess earlier than others. Though this would not solve the issue with players who want to go for the sure victory, even if it gives less reward.

-Implement strict order and keep it the whole game. (I hate this idea for this specific game, I have other games with strict order, I can come back to this, if strict order is more fun in those.)

-Instead of the guess->discard->guess->discard gameplay loop, the loop would look like this guess->guess->guess->discard->discard->discard. Basically, players aren’t allowed to discard until every player guessed at least once, but this solution still more advantagous for the last guesser, since he could control, when the discards could happen

-instead of the 24 hour between guesses, each turn would last strictly 24 hours as in the original rules. (With no first player discard bonus, and two guesses in a row from the same player.)

-Any combination of the above modifications.

If you have any other idea, I will listen to those as well.

Next post will be a reveal post for real.


Turn 1, 5
Nothing interesting happened

Turn 2’s “joke” influenced a few players

Start of turn 3:

He drew on a card and made a three black triangle into a three black triangle also made a three black circle into a three black circle.

What did it accomplish? Absolutely nothing.
What he wanted to accomplish?
Quote: “Get other players to think I modified the card, when in reality I didn’t.”
For his misfortune, no one even noticed that he drew anything.

Turn 4, Someone had the idea to turn a two white square into a two gray square. In the end, he chose not to do it, because it wouldn’t allowed him to discard that card for the “gray square” guess.

Turn 6, I made the cheeky move of “not shuffling the deck.”
I thought people would notice that the cards are in a pattern. I haven’t thought Zone without thinking would guess his own cards, intead of reverse engineering the strange pattern, but this (and the fact, that their cards was between the hidden card and Zone’s original card.) helped the final guesser deduce that the hidden card was the
One white triangle

To Ash, who guessed one, white

Final victory token gains:
Someone: 9
Ash: 14
Zone: 0


Amazing how I didn’t do any chicanery and still won.

Although it is a deception game, it is surprising how little deception happened…

I promised to do this.
So here are the three games:

Guillotine (easy version)
[-10, +10]

Number poker
[-?, +?] If you choose this, give me a number between 40 and 80

The Liars game
[-?, +?]

This time, you won’t have exclusive rights, if somebody wants to join, they can also vote in the next 24 hours.

Also, three player, three vote and three games are not ideal for voting, Someone and Ash can use at most 1 Victory to buy an extra vote for their choice.
In case a tie for majority, the third game will be chosen. In case a three-way tie with 1-1-1 votes Someone and Ash, automatically use up 1 victory token, and the game Zone_Q11 has chosen will be played.

@Someone @Ash @Zone_Q11
You have 24 hours to vote.