30 [3/8] rings (canned)

I discarded all my initial hand because I want to empty the deck.
I guessed Gray Circle so I could discard the most cards I had after the first redraw.
Now I am here stuck trying to get the remaining four cards in the deck.

If you won’t cooperate, then that’s fine.
I just want to do this funny thing for myself.

How is it funny

I get to see “K, L, M, N” in my PM.
I don’t know about you, but I find it funny to see something that nobody else usually sees. Even if it is functionally useless for the game.


The cards. The first four are “A, B, C, D”.
I discarded them, and got “E, F, G, H”.
I discarded E and H, and got “I, J”.
I want to discard F, G, I, and J, so I can get “K, L, M, N”.


I have been trying to do all sorts of crazy stuff ever since the moment I joined. I even planned to join last minute (literally) instead of a day before “because it is funny”,
and because of that, we are now playing this game with four players instead of three.

I was the cause of the addendum about destroying cards. Though probably not as active as you guys, I went wild on my PM, trying to figure out ways to break [something].

After the patch though, I figured there was nothing “special” that I could do by means of breaking the rules, so the optimal play was just to “play normally”, but that got boring after the first 2 Turns.

I started craving for “non-existent achievements”, and figured: “If there is no [achievements], then I might as well make one by myself.”

–and this was my thought process after learning I got to be the first player for Turn 3.

Well if you wanted people to help you, maybe don’t threaten to report them for having fun.

Just like how you don’t get how “getting a non-existent achievement” is fun,
I don’t get how “making your text much harder to understand” is fun.

Its April fools. Im supposed to be a polar opposite to myself normally

And even if i don’t understand why you are doing something, i wouldn’t threaten to report you for gamethrowing. That is a dick move


It is below game rules of the FM section, Global rules don’t specify English only.

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Plus it doesnt ban non English either, it just asks people not to do so

And I do respect that… but not by means of complicating your speech.

Communication is a two-way street. I send you my message, and I receive your message. I find it very tiresome to decode said messages, even if the keys to decode them are public.

Using veiled threats isnt “tiresome” it’s insulting

Right, I’m blind.


As it was shown to me Global rule #5 Specify you must speak in English.
Please keep this in mind. (There is at least one other player, who brought up the issue, so keep the conversation in English, please.)

It is also in Forum Game Rule 9, and 9 can be overridden by the host

Look, I’m sorry I threatened you when all you wanted was a good time. However, I simply believe that copy-pasting text to translator sites (first cursed, then Russian) is less fun and more of a waste of time.

Like, I could speak in non-English languages as well. Maybe crack a native joke here and there if I blender them long enough. However, would you still think it is “fun” to read gibberish that you don’t understand? Do you have interest in translating every word in a sentence from multiple languages using multiple grammar rules… in a miscellaneous game?

If the game is about decoding ciphers, then sure, but this is just a card game, and I just want to empty the deck by discarding 10 cards.

But i can’t overwrite Global rules.

So you can talk cryptic or encoded (which is prevented by forum games rule #9), but you still need to talk in English, because of the Global rules.

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Its very weird its in both of them honestly, that seems like an oversight