30 [3/8] rings (canned)

Can I argue that speaking in another language is an encoded version of english?

Well, one strictly says “speak in English” while the other asks everyone to “please speak in English and don’t use ciphers”.

I get your point though, but considering nobody had any issues with having this written on both rules… :man_shrugging:

If it would be fine with all other players, I would allow it.
But from the example above, there is at least one player against it.
(I agree that it is weird that it is in both ruleset, but probably because it is that important to speak the way everyone could understand what you are saying.)

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…sigh. Someone, do you have any disapprovals to my idea? If not, then I won’t mind you using other languages for Aprils Fools.

Im not going to bother, you already killed the mood

Well, okay.

Wittaghat hittage cittagooking?

Something fun for myself, but it won’t work now since Someone is not interested.

Ash made the following guess:

One, black
It is

Next guess is due in 24 hours

Me when hte card game turns into a game of chicken.

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1 hour til deadline



Leafia decided to quit. (Please don’t talk about it in-thread)

Someone, you have 30 minutes to make a guess.

And the deadline is over.

There is no winner for this turn (1/3)


The cards will be collected and new turn will start in two hours.

All cards get taken back from the players as they were.

One card got hidden from the deck again.

Everyone got their cards, and a player randomly got chosen to be the first player.

@Ash you are the first player, you can guess first, before that you can discard any number of cards you want.


Ash discarded the following card

One white square

And draws a new card.

Ash made the following guess:

Gray, square

It is.


Next guess is due in 24 hours.

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Zone_Q11 discarded the following card:

One Gray Square

And draws a new card

Zone_Q11 made the following guess

Gray, triangle

It is

Next guess is due in 24 hours


Someone discarded the following cards:

One gray triangle
Two gray triangle

And draws two new card.

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Someone guessed

Three, white
It is


The hidden card was
Three white square

Someone will get 5 Victory tokens after the game.
All cards will be taken back in two hours.

Also Someone made the guess
Black, triangle
It is

Irrelevant, the correct guess was already made.

Someone discarded the following cards:
Three black triangle
One black triangle.

And draws two new cards.

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