FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

I’m entitled to my opinion on it

Wolves can play dumb jesus

Wolves try to derp all the time because it looks towny

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Something making you feel guilty doesn’t mean that it’s AtE, I’m not trying to engage your guilt in the slightest, I am just bringing up things that I think are true

I also don’t plan ahead when I get the attention, besides of “what should we do next?”

Okay I’ma go reread that post out of respect for hallia and Creature

VOTE: Ashlyn

Ugh I don’t like the current gamestate

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Maybe try not feeling guilt. I am very good at this due to my general lack of empathy

(This post is referencing a Fortress of Lies in-joke)

neither do i ngl owo

I still think baudib1 might be a wolf here

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Wait I got a notification I can only heart so many a day? This is BS literally Blue's Clues :pensive:

I guess if I wanted to say something about u, I could easily argue the vibe of, 'it feels like ur playing a lot of devil’s advocate", but that doesn’t seem fair

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BTW Ash has decided to sleep for twelve hours instead of doing isos so I’m probably going to have to do actual work isntead of putting it on the spirit in my head

Skill issue

What the fuck how did Blue's Clues autocorrect to blues clues



Why is 1 9 8 4

Turning into blues clues

Absolute Bruh Moment

Neither do I, but at least I have the humility to go “I’ll be real, I’m not sure what I expected” immediately after

And I’m also a bullheaded individual who has historically been incredibly difficult to pull reads out of

@millium did you see frost answer my question to you (why did you pick BPV) owo?

If so what did you make of it owo

If not check it out owo?

What in the motherfuck is this forum