Don’t think it particularly matters, but I’m more than fine with this. Don’t want to hold up the queue forever.
Daeron can i give all my money away
then bankrupt and do it again, then repeat 100x times
It’s kyo so probably
what’s kyo
there’s a queue for low inttensity miscs???
there’ll be games run across a long period of time that will allow players to build their TAC
poker is my next game I’m going to run I believe
you can!!!
but your bankruptcy counter will skyrocket!!
What is the consequence for going bankrupt besides the counter going up?
there are none
the consequences come from your count going up
which are to be determined but will certainly be nasty
do not go bankrupt
the end goal is to put yourself in the best position possible when the forum event:tm: occurs
Asking because the optimal strategy seems to be, “Lost x? Bet 2x next round” and repeat until you win.
You can only place side bets on your own bet
Absolutely fantastic idea - is what I’d say if I was actually gaining anything from you guys losing.
I’m going to be rerunning the table whenever we get the appropriate signups. At least that was the plan, until Arete suggested that this misc be considered as part of a queue
I’m going to lobby for this to be considered not a part of the queue at all considering it takes queueing like a singular action
and if people go AFK the game doesn’t just stop
I can just time out their action and play basic
also im allowing conditional actions to be made
i.e Dealer has 10, you have 5/3
you can submit
“If I hit an ace, hit again.” or something
i like lawyers
everyone else in your position would have given up and conceded in the face of authority
not you, though
ok since all tables are full, i ll just randomly choose a number and sit beside them and pray they are a god in blackjack since i think we have no control over the cards cause they are filled?
hmm let me run the random number generator.
well its 4!
@Aleph i’m counting on you buddy
/in seat 4, Bet 200