Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

or at least not what it was. it might still have been bad i do not consider myself an arbiter of good fakeclaims. but it would’ve been not a doubleclaim of a role i know is already in play with information that i know is wrong

My biggest concern is how Gummy is claiming to have a 2.
Like Gummy’s not the Oracle, but still it’s a wild claim

i think gummy’s insinuating that bionic has to be evil. which uh… maybe? we don’t have a n1 poison target for sure

The issue is why does EvilGoon!Bionic just… out evil as hard as they did?

come to think of it probably the only world i have where gummy is good and got legit results all the way is one where bionic, mayhater, and raincloud are all evil. either through one of bionic/mayhater mezzing raincloud (probably mayhater in this world) or me being droisoned and getting both starting evils in my ping

it’s silly how many worlds involve me potentially getting both starting evils in a droisoned noble ping. it seems like such a phenomenally bad idea it shouldn’t even be considered and yet

Can’t sleep. Also…Laughs It’s never gamethrowing to vote for someone you believe to be evil Gummy and at this point, you sound like a caught evil trying to say anything they can think of to avoid getting executed.

So you admit to being evil then. Because in worlds where it’s MAYHATER and me, the game would’ve ended with town winning if MAYHATER had gotten me exed.

I think only you know thd answer to that at this point.

Us three won’t be the only ones voting.

look at all these idiots trying to figure out who the demon is when I already know the answer :wowee:

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see you guys in 45 hours and 23 minutes

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at this point i think the only explanations for the oracle double are gummy lying or gummy having been cerelocked for day two onward, which implies cere is either still alive (and is raincloud) or is someone (which would still gummy they were cere’d without actually binding them to it. i do NOT want to test this theory the hard way)

raincloud being starting cere implies i was drunk, while someone being starting cere implies raincloud was mezzed.

So? Just because I thought someone that turned out to be evil was good for a long time due to an understandable reason doesn’t make me evil.

The thing convincing me the most of you being evil is you’re so fixated on me being evil and don’t even want people considering the possibility that you could be evil.

Not sure he would honestly.

We know that you do.

One problem with the second world. It’s pretty obvious that there’s a poisoner, so if there’s a cere too, there’s no room for a Mez.

actually i realized someone being starting cere implies i was drunk. who got correct info.

yeah that world in particular is bunk. 1 world down, 500 billion to go


Yup. A lot of worlds to go through. I’ll think hard on it too. Although I do think the solve that I suggested earlier is the correct one.

What think of this Benguined?

i think it could stand to be a bit more specific on what type of demon it is and how that slots in (or minion if lil monsta)

Hmmm, t egg ue. Not sure what type of demon we’re up against though, but I don’t think it’s LM. Mostly due to gut.