Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

well in your world it definitely isn’t pukka

True. Can’t really see it being a Vigor either, so the way I see it it’s either an imp of a LM.

I’d say 75% chance imp 25% chance LM.

i know gummy well enough to know that gummy imp probably starpasses night 2 due to a significant lack of self confidence. but maybe her starpass target being in a noble ping changes that

frankly i kinda just have to believe lil monsta because otherwise what the hell are these kills

It’s possible honestly. I’d ssy it’s a 50/50 at this point then. What do you think?

each kill might need a fucking. essay length explanation if it turns out someone with kill agency made them

Good point and agreed. I didn’t really think of that.

kii is the only kill i’d consider to be like. fine. maaaybe jarek if you thought they were dreamer

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Kiiruma was a weird kill honestly, especially with that vote he placed at EoD. That looked pretty suspicious to me.

i said fine. i never said good.

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honestly the only way i could make sense of the someone kill coming from a demon with kill agency is raincloud banking on me not suspecting them in f3 due to noble info

Fair enough.

Yeah, this is definitely a Lil Monsta game.

The kills make no sense whatsoever any other way.

it really makes me want to think that someone was the other starting minion who died for lil monsta reasons but then jarek’s info implies i’m drunk who got true info. i think i have to throw away my someone theories but that really makes me uncertain who the other minion is in raincloud mezzed worlds

the only way i can make sense of the idea of mayhater hellbussing raincloud yesterday is someone being mezzed, holding the lil monsta, passing it to raincloud last night and then dying (which of course implies i was drunk) but i don’t think that world works with the whispers

There’s one problem with meMezzed worlds. I only ever whispered to two people. Gummy and MAYHATER.

wait i completely forgot that jarek could be drunk. someone other starting minion world is back on the menu maybe