Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

It doesn’t.

in a world where you’re mezzed mayhater 100% mezzed you

they said you ended whisper too early but that sounds like it could be very easy cover a mez interaction only needs like. 2 messages maybe 3

Good point. From your perspective, that’s not impossible even though I know that it isn’t the case.

One thing pointing towards that not being the case though is that MAYHATER never whispered to Someone. If you were a Mez mezzing someone, I think you’d want your partner to know.

Yawns Anyway, good night now. Sleep well.

potential world where raincloud is evil:
Jarek - Drunk (believes they’re librarian who sees Someone or benguined as the Drunk)
RainCloud - Undertaker (converted by Mezepheles, currently holding Lil Monsta)
Bionic - Goon (currently good)
Kiiruma - Oracle
Someone - Cerenovus
Benguined - Noble (Mayhater/Jarek/Raincloud)
Gummy - Unknown TF (cerelocked into claiming oracle since Day 2)
May - Ravenkeeper
Mayhater - Mezepheles

N1: unknown who Someone made mad, but possibly themselves as artist or raincloud as undertaker (in this world, raincloud may not necessarily be undertaker but some other tf who saw the opportunity and stuck to claiming undertaker to hide the existence of a cere)
D1: Mayhater whispers raincloud, mezzing them. later throws bionic under the bus for them. unknown at this point who has monsta. possible that someone took their partner’s impassioned defense of an undertaker as a mez hint
N2: Someone, sensing an opportunity to sow chaos regarding Bionic’s alignment and perhaps throw some shade at Kii, who wanted them voted out, makes Gummy mad as Oracle.
D2: Gummy, thinking Bionic is evil, locks in their oracle number as 1. real oracle number is 0, as bionic in this world is good. still uncertain who has the monster, as none of the potential holders came too close to dying (besides maybe mayhater). mayhater starts a narrative of gummy being mutant to cover up the existence of a cere and obfuscate outsider count.
N3: sensing a general shift against mayhater, someone is given the lil monsta. cerelocking of gummy as oracle continues, only slightly undermined by the storyteller discretion kill of kiiruma.
D3: mayhater makes an impassioned post about how they were ceremad from n2 onwards (to cover up the real ceremadness being elsewhere) and the evil team is obviously someone and raincloud (in a ballsy move, the real evil team) but specifically advocates executing raincloud first. raincloud is also geared up to throw mayhater under the bus, as per general consensus. someone, of course, is the real demon holder, and the evil team was presumably planning on giving the demon back to mayhater on n4 if this plan worked, so the evil team was never in any real danger of losing if they could string town along hard enough. unfortunately for them, jarek owned them. someone withholds their vote for the possibility of a countervote from mayhater, but puts it on mayhater super close to eod when it’s clear this isn’t gonna happen/be of any use, with the excuse that they forgot they were alive.
N4: In Lil Monsta voting, mayhater presumably advances the idea of giving the demon to raincloud (this would be where someone finds out if they didn’t know already) and Someone agrees, realizing that raincloud is fairly well trusted and has a better chance of making it through f3 than they do. someone then dies by storyteller discretion so there aren’t two evils alive in f3 in a lil monsta game. as per action order, gummy is still informed that they were made mad as the oracle, but since Someone is dead it is not actually enforcable (GUMMY IF YOU ARE ACTUALLY CEREMAD DO NOT TEST THIS THEORY. RAINCLOUD COULD BE THE CERE).
D5: day breaks, with raincloud announcing may as poisoner to explain why their information has been bunk and to cover up the existence of a cere. we are now here.

this theory probably has a hole or two but this is as far as i can tell a world that is at least in theory possible

if its LM, why tf would ST kill a minion

I was night killed

more than one evil alive on final day is pretty unfair for good in a lm game

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I mean not really, its unfair to punish evils for playing well

I am artist tho

ripped straight from the wiki

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yea but mez turn =/= minion

the intent is obviously to not allow more than one evil alive. they just use the word minion

I have seen it happen a lot before

this world was mainly just an exercise to see if i could construct a world where raincloud is evil. i can.

I mean why cant raincloud be starting evil

i do not know n1’s policy towards lil monsta kills but i would not be surprised if they’re a no more than 1 evil in f3 truther

they can, but my noble ping would have to be droisoned (mayhater is clearly starting evil since if they were a converted tf they would have a fakeclaim)

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