Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

what happened with the mayhater thing i wasnt paying attention much

and then why did mayhater’s plan involve voting out raincloud that day in which they were almost certainly the baby holder

and the only explanation i’ve come up with for that is you also being evil and holding the baby that day

idk thats just my gut feeling

i am good tho

I placed the vote to try and make minions WIFOM jic Benguined was a minion in a LM (Which is possible still but idk how much I trust it)

Gummy would no longer be Ceremad (Would think they are though) and claimed to have a 2.

It’s actually 100% common.
In a LM game it’s unlikely there’ll ever be more than 1 evil alive in F3.

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the reason gummy can’t be real oracle in this world is precisely because their number only bumped up by 1 after mayhater and someone died

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I think it’s one of the very few possible worlds where Rain is evil because it’s very hard to build the world where Rain can be evil. It’d need a mez turn probably and for MAYHATER to have been pushing the baby holder which is utterly insane.

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Yeah that’s fair. Just figured to let ya know about the fact that gummy (shouldn’t) be ceremad but is still claiming Oracle. So in that world Gummy is maybe believing they’re mad due to night order?

as per official botc quizzes if cere dies at night their target is still informed they’re mad but are not actually

as per official botc quizzes you also shouldn’t wake people with an argentine piledriver. buzzkills


I know :stuck_out_tongue:
Hence me saying the word ‘believing’ and that Gummy shouldn’t actually be ceremad.

Yeah the quizzes are bugged, you 100% should be using an argentine piledriver.

yeah but there is still the niche world where gummy is ceremad and mayhater really is ballsy enough to bus their demon. so we’re probably stuck with this

this world also requires giving the drunk noble both starting evils which is. a storyteller decision

honestly could explain why mayhater capitulated so quickly after jarek claimed librarian

Eh. I mean we have to go for what’s most likely.
I think the world which Mayhater and Rain are aligned is so niche that it’s just… not a thing.

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it’s something i feel obligated to consider because the fact that gummy vs raincloud is so seemingly easy from my perspective makes me want to distrust raincloud purely on principle