Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

Yeah I can understand your feeling.
But I mean think about it from our perspectives too (Outside of you, Gummy and Rain)
We have no reason to really trust any of you in particular.
All we can do is see what feels more likely.

And Rain/Mayhater being teamed just isn’t likely.

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it occurs to me that in my world mayhater would know jarek’s dreamer result was complete bullshit and maybe think twice. but they also could’ve just thought jarek was drunk

And if they thought Jarek was drunk… then they wouldn’t doubleclaim because it’s unlikely (possible but doesn’t happen often) that there’d be both a drunk and a sober person thinking they’re the same character.

idk if mayhater knew about jarek’s dreamer result before they committed to claiming dreamer

i would certainly think they didn’t. definitely in their best interest to avoid a doubleclaim if they can

Mayhater was in a double claim with Jarek as dreamer.
Claimed ceremadness to try and look innocent.
Backed into Librarian. Which is what Jarek is claiming to be.

Mayhater also has been pushing on Rain who is likely the baby holder. Which adds another level of them not being aligned on top of the fact that the noble also saw them both in the same ping.

I think May’s basically semi-confirmed evil and Rain’s likely good. But has had bunk info so is fine to be kept alive because they can be tunnelled on in tinfoil-y worlds.

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Are you shortening Mayhater or are you being strange?

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Son of a bitch

Yes. I’m shortening Mayhater. UGH

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I keep typing May instead of Mayhater because I’m shortening Mayhater to May yet in doing so I keep forgetting you’re also here and so it’s creating confusion :upside_down_face:

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I’ve edited my messages several times after posting them due to realising I’ve done it

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No one has mentioned being cered so I doubt we even have one and where is the poisoner in this world? If we had a cere, someone would’ve mentioned it by now and we’ve seen evidence aplenty of a poisoner. Plus, I probably would’ve mentioned being cered even if I had turned evil and like I said, MAYHATER never whispered to Someone. So this world pretty much can’t exist.

He already explained that.

No it isn’t. Besides, it isn’t punishing and generally, the storytellers will try to work things so that it’s one evil and two good in F3 in LM games. So yes, minions can get killed at night in LM games, although it’s pretty rare.

Fair enough.

Agreed. I swear by it. It works every time.

This is honestly something I can understand.

Laughs head off

guys i am NOT cered or mutant or an outsider or whatever

like seriously

But fmpov you have to be (or you’re evil) because I’m the Oracle, ya get me?
From your perspective I have to be.

yeah but you died so it makes no sense

and also it doesn’t make sense w/ my oracle numbers

guys come on why would i doubleclaim oracle after kii had already claimed ;(

Because if you back down it looks worse?

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yeah but in my 3f3 i hadn’t put oracle on any of them

so why would i claim oracle after you had claimed oracle if i was evil

True. It would look a lot worse.

lemme see if i can construct a world where gummy is actually the legit oracle and kii’s been cerelocked since day 1 (…but with all else equal why cerelock someone as oracle)

okay i cannot. there are two major problems. first, how would bionic have become evil if mez converted raincloud and cere targeted kii. second, since someone can’t be evil there’s really no way to avoid the fact that mayhater had to hellbus their demon

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