Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

how is raincloud selectively ignoring all the posts where i have merit

literally the only world in which kii is good is the one where they are drunk

and yet your result explicitly confirms them as good. idk what to tell you there

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yeah that’s why i believe they’re the drunk…

and yet jarek has all but narrowed down the drunk to three people who aren’t him. unless you’re insinuating he’s lying or was poison sniped

i can’t think of another universe where this could be true gosh

idk im aware of how bad it looks for me but you guys will lose if you vote me out

im not sure how to defend myself bc i don’t have time for a gamesolve or to think of one but

it’s not me

it doesn’t make sense for it to be me

but then of course if jarek was poison sniped and raincloud was mezzed how did bionic become evil blah blah blah

oh god what if it’s a mayhater poisoner raincloud pukka world. would that be fucked up or what

wait then why would mayhater have fallen for may being the noble knowing it was bunk and that they poisoned me. never mind

like 90% of the worlds where raincloud is evil rely on the unstated assumption that n1 would give a droisoned noble both starting evils. which seems unideal

and emphasis on the dr part, because presumably if i was poisoned mayhater wouldn’t have fallen for the claimswap

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there is admittedly the world where raincloud was actually starting evil and mayhater was mezzed and chose to fuck around and forgo their fakeclaim to portray themselves as a starting evil to muck with noble and “confirm” raincloud. botc is awesome because you have to consider worlds like this.

Yeah there’s a lot which just makes it flawed and that’s the big issue lmao.
Info claimed from Gummy is saying evil!Bionic, evil!Mayhater +1 more.
But for Bionic to be evil it’d require an evil to target them.

In that world it would need to be a poisoner or cerenovus (Yet we’ve had no cere-maddening since) or Pukka.

Though Someone’s info was that it’s a LM game.
So if we’re saying Someone is sober then it has to be LM, eliminating the Pukka possibility.
Gummy’s trying to argue me/them is the Drunk.
This then also means that Jarek has wrong info so must be due to poisoner.

Due to Benguined info then Rain couldn’t be evil in that world unless we have a mez turn too.
So it’d mean you are evil with Mayhater and Bionic.

The issue there is who would’ve mezzed Mayhater?
We know who whispered to em.

Also… demonstrably we know we have a Poisoner without a doubt.
So in order to make Gummy info and world work we’d need to have a cere too and thus no Mez.

guys it’s literally not me

i know it makes no sense but i swear D:

I mean if it’s not you, your info means it basically has to be Benguined.

oh hm i haven’t really been able to think about a benguined/mayhater world