Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

Also if you want to build me/Mayhater/Rain I talked to Mayhater once… after I was dead, even.
I even accepted Rain’s whisper with me once and I was rejected because they said I was evil :skull:

And Mayhater/Rain only whispered once.
So the idea of a mez turn there is… unrealistic.
Since you have usually 1 whisper to mez turn somebody, to give them a word. And later another one to give them the team.

If it was me, I wouldn’t have tried helping you the way I did and I’d just be coasting along, not bothering to try figuring things out the way I’ve been doing.

Also, what scares me most is that I’ve thought of two more possible worlds where it’s Benguined who’s the last evil.

One where Someone mezturned Benguined since they’re neighbors and the other where MAYHATER was mez and mezturned Benguined while the poisoner, who would be Someone in this case, poisoned me so I hogot an incorrect result last night.

I don’t know if either world holds up either mechanically or socially though. What do you think Kiiruma?

The only way to ensure victory is for everyone to be nominated today too.

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Eh, they’re certainly possibilities.
Though now that just makes it a harder decision for me between Gummy and Benguined gdi.

I’d now say it’s a 50/45/5 (Gummy/Benguined/You)
Because socially + those plausible worlds does increase it for Benguined now… gdi.

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Yeah. I’m at 55% Gummy and 45% Benguined right now too.

The thing I think looks the worst for Gummy I think is how she hasn’t tried thinking things through, instead just saying it isn’t her and claiming that voting for her is gamethrowing, when she isn’t even close to being confirmed good, and that just smacks of a desperate to win evil to me since I’ve seen evils do that a lot more than town.

I think one of the best points in your contention Rain is the fact that this is an insanely low info game. In the world that has been presented by some, the only ongoing info would be Oracle.

And this is against a drunk, poisoner, mez turn and goon which all could’ve screwed with things. For the game to be even partially solvable I think we have to have some ongoing info.

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There’s not even a Spirit of Ivory.
So in the world of Mez Turn + Goon we could’ve had up to 4 evils.
So we need to have good ongoing info to counteract that.

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Agreed. It’s very hard to figure things out without info gathering roles after all, and all we have are Oracle and Undertaker I believe.

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Yes that’s the only ongoing that has been claimed.
We don’t have a Dreamer, Town Crier or even a Preacher to help counteract evils.

Like we have 2 oracle claims, 2 librarian claims (1 of which outed evil), a ravenkeeper claim, an artist claim, a noble claim, a goon claim and an undertaker.

I think it’s so unlikely that we don’t have ongoing info to balance things out.

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Yet alone the fact that if it’s a Lil Monsta, the demon can move which makes it even stronger.
And honestly 2 minion abilities is stronger than 1 demon, 1 minion considering the choices on this script for demons.

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Same here. It’s a very difficult situation that we’re in now and it scares me.

Agreed. Much stronger.

Bro all im saying is that its not me:(

Like ik it mechanically looks bad for me rn but its not me

Idk how to convince peoole tho bc i m bad at thinkijf of worlds

It’s the way that you’re saying it, like you’re trying to scare people away from voting you. I see evils do that more than goods.

Sigh. Im just worried about losing bc you guys vote me

Idk i get more passionate socially as good and more passionate mechanically as evil/stay quiet

Also, you should vote for Benguined and he votes for me. It’s the only way to have all of us as possible executions today since I already voted for you earlier.

i should probably nom raincloud huh

VOTE: RainCloud