Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

VOTE: RainCloud

Bionic, are you actually evil goon here?

nah, i just think this is the better vote

@iamagummybear The time to vote for Benguined is now so that we’re all nominated.

I doubt good you would think that.

i think it’s been established that bionic is probably good (and a world where bionic is evil is one where kii isn’t legit and gummy is)

ok demon

Kii is confirmed legit and if you’re good, then Gummy is evil, thus not legit.

bionic is hard to understand but i think he’s voting for what he genuinely believes in

You misspelled townsfolk. I’m literally the least likely to be evil, both socially and mechanically.

Only because he must be evil. Nothing is going to convince me otherwise now.

@iamagummybear @benguinedparbecue this true?

Read what Kiiruma has been saying.

i think literally everyone would have a word about raincloud saying they’re the least socially evil one here

Socially Rain’s the most likely evil just because Gummy’s pure af.
But mechanically for Rain to be demon there have to be so many super precise things that it’s… incredibly unlikely.

Possible, yes. But unlikely.

Mechically and socially. Well, maybe not socially, but definitely mechanically.


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Rain’s literally only evil socially.
But mechanically it’s extremely improbable for them to be demon.

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Feel free to look over my recent posts as I have explained them.

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VOTE: Unvote

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