Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

You’re probably the only one since you knew about the roleswap.


I’d have been sceptical, sure.
But having never whispered to do it once, done 2 copouts and also never whispered to confirm the team.
You and me both know it wouldn’t happen for a mez-turn to not speak to each other a 2nd time.

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Plus, the turn to evil doesn’t happen right away for a mez turn. It happens the night after the word is said.

yeah that’s why mayhater saved your hide. what’s your point

@benguinedparbecue your world you built was a mez turn happened and a roleswap.

In that world they had only 1 whisper, so that seems unusual for a mez turn and you know that yourself since you seem to understand BotC.

Also a roleswap into Undertaker with never giving supporting info actually just actively makes Rain look worse / forces them to rely on a poisoner argument rather than anything else.

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My point is that it isn’t why MAYHATER did it because there was obviously no mez turn. I never whispered to MAYHATER again after that one time.

look when it turns out that it was a mez world with only whisper this entire time i’m gonna maniacally laugh about it

In that world who poisoned the preacher in a 3-for-3 instead of the outed Dreamer or Oracle?

what if mayhater wanted to be evil. wouldn’t a good player who wanted to become evil do what they could to make it so

Because it wouldn’t be Mayhater or Raincloud.

in the gummy mayhater world how did the evil team coordinate literally anything at all (they didn’t)

Benguined you’re trying to argue for a Mayhater/Rain world and you know it doesn’t work.

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Benguined, why wouldn’t there be more whispers then? Answer that. You’re not even listening to logic. Also, why even do the claimswap in that world? That makes no sense whatsoever.

well it’s either a mayhater/rain world or a mayhater/gummy world and neither of them fucking work! guess i was the marionette this whole time! brilliant solve from me

The mez turn world is inconsistent with how mezzes play and you know this @benguinedparbecue

Both of them being starting evil on the other hand needs the most precise of poisons to put it mildly instead of poisoning anybody logical too.

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In the Rain/MAYHATER world how’d we coordinate stuff? We didn’t. So your argument is invalid. Also, why would MAYHATER push me when my execution would win the game for good in your world?

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there exist approximately 0 evil teams that could’ve coordinated anything. can we accept that this isn’t a line of reasoning that’s gonna work

Mechanically Rain/Mayhater is insanely improbable.

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Yes we can.

who said you would’ve been holding the monsta that day? mayhater certainly wouldn’t have known for sure