Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

Literally everything is pointing towards MAYHATER being evil. Mech and social. It’s impossible for her to be good and you know it.

@iamagummybear @Kiiruma

Are you seeing this? Benguined is now pushing that MAYHATER,the outed evil, is actually good.

i’m acknowledging the possibility. obviously you’re not going to because any world in which mayhater is good is one in which you’re evil

There’s literally no possibiliy because we hhave both a drunk and a goon and a good player doesn’t literally out as evil.

i literally just told you about an example where a good player outed as evil. it can happen. it should happen a lot less than it does, but we play on fol and this is what we have to put up with

As evil, MAYHATER will be trying her best to make us vote incorrectly. So stop listening to her if you’re good here.

as evil, mayhater would’ve just snapvoted at eod

Benguined, very few people gamethrow like that so I don’t buy that bs explaination. Just because it happens once doesn’t mean we should always consider it as a possibility.

why am i even arguing with you you’re always evil in the mayhater good world. you are literally never going to give it the time of day i need a discussion partner who will

Why not right now though? This is better because this way she has a chance of convincing us to vote incorrectly.

No one will because such a world isn’t possible and you know it. Don’t pretend like it’s possible.

raincloud finding a way to phrase their points in the most evil and belittling way possible

You are not even trying to reason things out here and you haven’t been doing so all day it seems.

I’m not doing so at all. I’m just shocked thatanyone would ever consider an ibviously impossible world.

see because Rain i feel like u know my identity and know that if anyonw would make that play it would be me

We have two outsiders. She’s proposing a world with three.

well raincloud’s never gonna acknowledge the possibility you’re good. as previously mentioned.

i am sorry but i am busy mostly for the rest of the day. y’all can use my info to solve. I know as much as you guys do.

i would like you to explain the outsider count discrepancy though mayhater

yes but it’s disingenuous reasoning lol considering whos behind the mask