Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

who else would make an account solely to spite may

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Marshal would

this game was fun to storytell

what do you mean im not the storyteller


im so gaslit omg

what was the evil team’s reaction to first hearing the noble ping anyway

why tf did kii not just claim to be pixie

turned evil by mez

mez turned

because he was evil probably


I called it

Told u he was pixie

thinks i would ever play botc again after LIZARDS


we had the solve wtf

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ok that was hell

this is so sad

Yes, my intention was for good to find drunk Noble via librarian ping and lining up artist question to the real world, which would let good deduce if the artist or noble was drunk.
Jarek fakeclaimed Dreamer for ages so I had to kill them and confirm them as good which I thought would force them to out their info and they didn’t until they doubleclaimed MAYHATER which allowed them to openwolf for the drunk noble check
Rip on Jarek’s part, totally saw what they were going for, but they had the audacity to try and setupgame Daeron

Yeah. If you’re curious, I was holding Lil Monsta D1 and MAYHATER was holding it D2.