Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

on one hand i could’ve posted it

on the other hand im technically not the host

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this doesn’t fix site lag but site lag is also a problem if you’re doing manual VCs

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Ah. Noted.

Here’s to inject some positive vibes into this endgame.

Jarek’s fakeclaim as Dreamer before revealing as Librarian later absolutely sold Marissa down the river, and it was spectacular to behold.

Gummy struggled a little under pressure but successfully managed to fight until the end, socially clearing themselves in the process when they otherwise would’ve been executed as the Demon and finding the real evil in the process.

Benguined singlehandedly helped the most in analysing alternative worlds and solving the game for the good team, I think. Being the first person to reevaluate on Gummy, not conforming to peer pressure and identifying the real evil alongside Gummy. You two found each other. If this was just Mafia, you would’ve won.

Mayhater recovered from stumbling after Jarek’s aforementioned bluff, half-convincing certain townies they were town (even if this was nearly to their detriment, because this opened an avenue for Raincloud to go down).

Kiiruma convincingly framed the available information after being turned to not only throw Gummy under the bus (by hard-counterclaiming Oracle), but also pulled the most work in clearing RC for most of the final day.

Raincloud successfully protected the baby throughout the final day, arguing their innocence even when the tide of public sentiment was turning against them, never relenting or giving up even when all hope seemed lost.

Congratulations to both teams. This was really entertaining.


Hm. Fair enough.
Nah I changed it kinda as a signal.

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like i did not play perfectly this game. i could’ve done more to get my noble ping out there (i was literally gonna mention the noble ping i “heard about” to kii right before he closed whisper), i could’ve pushed harder for mayhater over may (but there was part of me that thought may might be evil and another part of me that thought it would make may too guessable as damsel), i could’ve pinged some more people to vote for raincloud. i made many a blunder

You played beyond what I anticipated the drunk noble to do for a town win.

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go benguined

ty for not voting me out :pleading_face:


the end was entertaining, albeit a little disappointing:(

also @Leafia were you trying to talk different for the game

It was a fun game to play in too even if it was stressful towards the end.

No. I don’t think I was talking any different. Anyway, calling it a night now, so good night. :sleepingleafeon:

@iamagummybear I had in my class card about you being Oracle before I got turned.

I had Rain as good at that moment though because their info was consistent with yours and I knew you were the de facto Oracle.

If I hadn’t turned I think that good would’ve won this game almost for sure. Because Marsh had already kinda outed as Mez publicly :stuck_out_tongue: It’s how I got the word.

why did the raincloud mayhater whisper end so early anyway


There’s no need to say much
“I’m poisoner, gonna claim (X)”
“I’m mez, word is (Y), gonna claim (Z)”

i need professional help after that game

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“I poisoned (A)”

you played extremely well gj

I had the preconceived notion from the previous games you’ve joined that you would collapse given the slightest resistance, and not only was I pleasantly surprised but I was startled at how far beyond you went. No matter the outcome of the game, you shouldn’t let anyone convince you to be anything except proud of yourself.

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