Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

remmeber my eureka moment wehree i was like

wait didn’t jarek said you or someone was drunk


@RainCloud and @kiiruma thanks for being awesome teammates. Leafia it was such a fun time and I loved both our hard buddying and then insane theater… always a good time and u made me laugh a ton.

Kii, I am just so glad we could be evils together again in a Lil Monsta BOTF… i still remember the one with Nightingale as the 3rd evil… those were days and I glad we got to relive them

and to both of you… THANK YOU for putting up with my antics. I went a bit off the rails there at the end because I thought it could lock it away (and then it almost worked, and then didn’t, and then did again?)


i had thoughts that i was drunk but rejected them because clearly a drunk noble wouldn’t have both starting evils…

Spirit of ivory was probably needed. But i can understand its kinda late to do that during setup



i just looked over the script

goon feels goofy in general on here


It was a pleasure Marissa. Always love playing evil with you and basically anyone because I’m an evil bastard in BotC


godfather could literally be replaced with sentinel on this script and it would not be mourned

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there’s not enough good ways to keep them good

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Its to fit the theme of hide and seek

this script could use a few fixes

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I do wish SOMEBODY pointed out my dreamer slip. because that was kinda the whole point of the thing was to do something that slips me as evil after people have already associated me!evil with raincloud!good. And saying Pukka instead of Vigormortis was supposed to be that.

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why the hell is there goon

i know butsurely theres something else

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I think daeron has got an updated version

Who misspelled your name…

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Wait not daeron mixing peoples names up


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Narninan* has an updated version last time i talked to gim

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oh i had not made that association! i probably would’ve argued upon arguing that there was some mez world that made raincloud evil and then gone with gummy anyway once it was clear that was consensus because my rambling wouldn’t have convinced anyone else