Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

Benguined was obviously socially good and Gummy was obviously socially good. Very unfortunate!

we were all too panicked

i for one was checking the thread in between realizing my pset that i thought was correct had like 20 bugs in it at the very last minute

yeah hence me doing… All That… to try and make a world where RainCloud couldn’t be socially evil with me

I kinda just expected the MAYHATER hate to outweigh the RainCloud hate when it did in fact not do that

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She only tells people things are gamethrowing as evil

distancing yourself from raincloud made it so i didn’t have to fight against my own damn ping anymore

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it was supposed to happen and then flame out and then people go "well there goes “RainCloud/mayhater/kii extremely easy social world… let’s vote gummy/benguin” but it didnt flame out. people really and truly gave me such insane benefit of the doubt


It was really funny how you were trying super hard to be read as evil and then beguined goes yeah sounds legit lefs kill rain cloud and yoy just kept trying and failing

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leafia is a her?

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Yes MAYHATER is good who fakeclaimed cere mad and fakeclaimed librarian and who then proceeded to lolcat and claim evil for the entirety of the rest of the game. also lets just ignore them saying two different n1 dreamer results. also lets ignore them posting “lol they’re really gonna fall for it” in thread. they r clearly joking.


who am i to further scrutinize a world that makes it 10 times easier to push the socially obvious evil


We’re too smart for that now. So many BotC games lost on “extremely easy social world… oh but dumb mechanical caveat”

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Wazza traveled in and got evil and was trying to push their teammates as evil in such a way to clear them and I went yeah sounds legit I beliebe yoy wazza and it did not work lol

maybe it says something about the final day that the wolf who was ultimately the most trusted was the one who had spent most of the past 2 days claiming evil, and then proceeded to claim evil again


maybe it says something that the most trusted townsfolk was the one who was doubleclaiming oracle with a key incorrect result


i think it is kinda funny how i did just convince everyone gummy was mutant

i think people were just desperate for A resolution

i thought kii was evil af when they whispered me and were like hey claim pixie plz

i don’t even think kii was evil at this point. they were just pixie (would you claiming pixie have even sufficed under n1 madness rules)

i like how kii did in fact say one of my fake mez words d1… I was like “damn if people ever figure out i’m mez they’re totally gonna think it’s kii after I convince someone else”… and then kii said my other (real) mez word

I didn’t believe it! I just didn’t care!