Blood on the Forums XXVII: Hide and Seek -- Evil Wins

The best post in the game

Okay. I am going to out this all in one post. I think I am likely to go over today, which is fair considering everything, and I wanted to come out with the full truth. I also very likely think I just have the game solved fully, down to basically all night actions. First off, here is an extremely critical point of information.

Starting N2, and Continuing on N3, I was made mad by the cere to be the Dreamer. My real role is the librarian, seeing Jarek or Gummy as the mutant

Ultimately, I feel as if I have to out this today because I am going to die anyways, and me being fake dreamer (as hard as I tried to be non-consequential) means its gonna be basically impossible to solve. I just don’t think that game is solveable if people still think this.

Here is my full solve.

Jarek - Dreamer (N1 - Sees Someone as Drunk/Poisoner)
RainCloud - Cerenovus (N1 - Either Targets Bionic n1 (making them evil), themselves n1 (mad as undertaker), or Someone n1 (mad as artist). N2 & N3 Targets me, mad as dreamer)
Bionic - Goon (evil if raincloud targetted n1)
Kiiruma - Oracle (Poisoned N2 (if bionic evil), correct info (if bionic good))
Someone - Poisoner (N2 kiiruma if bionic evil), otherwise probably targetted some combo of roles that doesn’t affected by poison [aka me/benguin after n1, kiiruma on n1 or n3, jarek n2, may at any point, gummy at any point]
benguined - Noble (N1 sees raincloud/jarek/mayhater)
gummybear - mutant
may - ravenkeeper
mayhater - librarian (n1 sees Jarek or Gummy as mutant)

This presents an interesting dilemna. Hosts could, at this point, guaruntee evil win if they wanted to by executing me, and once raincloud forces gummy to be mad as mutant, exeing them either for not doing cere madness or for breaking mutant madness.

I have to hope that doesn’t happen. Either this is by them not killing me and allowing raincloud or someone to be killed today, or by killing gummy at night, or by choosing not to kill gummy for breaking one of their two madnesses.

Either way, I feel pretty damn confident on this solve. Literally everything lines up (Jarek seeing someone as drunk n1 gives them the most outs, because hosts don’t know what Someone would claim, RainCloud insisting SO hard that I was good yesterday, and the random heel turn today, everyone else acting super good and like their role, bionic’s behaviour (if evil’d)) literally eveything works here.

This is gonna be an extremely tough one because, again, hosts can simply choose to win evil the game and have to give some level of leeway to town for us to have any chance at winning. This could mean killing me today and either killing gummy or benguined (and not exeing gummy for madness), and giving us the 50/50 beteween the LM token. This could mean not killing me today and letting us get a kill in on Raincloud or Someone. This could mean a littany of things.

Regardless, I think it’s my solve and similarly is the only way to win the game fmpov i think. I also think I blundered really hard with my fake results. I tried my best to do the least committal possible thing and fake good info but unfortunately I fell victim to the switch.

There are other worlds where the evil team could be but, frankly, this one makes far and away the most sense. Everything adds up. If you for a second hypothetically consider a world in which I am locked town, I think this is just the world.

According to N.1’s madness standards, I fully believe I am open to die today. I softed cere mad too hard, which is my fault tbf, and because “the majority of people” need to believe I am honestly the role that I am, and it seems that literally nobody believes me. This is, for the record, an absolutely horrible & arbitraty way of running madness and I think maybe people should stick to the way that madness is generally defined and run. Requiring a “Majority of belief” fucking sucks.

I also expect not to be believed. Its ok. If this is the evil team they played exceptionally well and I blundered super hard by saving raincloud day 1.

If hosts choose not to exe me, we have to kill RainCloud today. Someone is the likelier token holder, but RainCloud as cere has the ability to just end the game if hosts don’t kill gummy, and frankly if hosts don’t kill me I expect that to be our “chance”, and wouldn’t let two people defying madness in a row live. And if RainCloud is token holder then it’s just gg.

P.S., gummy, if you are made mad tommorow simply please just don’t claim anything. Just say you have no relevant info or whatever, and that you simply want to solve socially. If you clearly break cere madness in one direction or another, hosts may have an excuse to just hand it to evil team. I say this completely regardlessly of your role. Again, gummy, you don’t believe me in this scenario and from your pov I am confirmed evil. Stick to that please.

@MAYHATER can I whisper with you because I have… a lot of things to go over there.


i mean what could you say that couldn’t be said publicly

i guess its whatever i probably die when hosts check thread again


if this world is all true i’m inclined to believe bionic is good because… in what world does a cere not notice their target isn’t satisfying madness, come to the goon realization, and consider shooting them a neighbor whisper to maybe tell them to stop pushing them over

Whisper break @MAYHATER that was useful to at least work out some of the kinks in things.

again i respectfully disagree but whatever

at this point in the game I just dont see the validity with whispers all that much, it feels like evil gets way more mileage lategame out of it than good considering most info is public

Yeah fine, probably could’ve done most of it here but like you need to not forget a mutant madness break could be executed at any point so I still insist that you need to just not go so hard there lol

and if you were willing to say this publicly why did you bother to whisper me to say that

i dont get it

Because the more we discuss about this stuff publicly, the more it might ping the hosts off to it too

and you therefore choose to discuss it publicly right after?

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i dont get you

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Plus don’t forget there are evil players in this game, they’d rather us be discussing everything so they get the maximum planning possible. A cere/mutant combo is deadly for example.

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I tried to explain it already goddamn it aaaa

dude did you even read my post lol. first you ask why my outsider count is “off” despite my post explaining who the outsiders are and then say this when i already addressed that exact point

go to sleep its like 6am in ingerland