FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Appeal to emotion, you are funny

Iā€™m not trying to be


This isnā€™t AtE! Iā€™m not hard shielding Frost, Iā€™ve said as much here! Iā€™m just asking people to be mindful of language barriers and player personalities when they make cases, because I think frustration has played a non-zero role in the reads that are being expressed here.

Its like outright ignoring

First with Ashlyn earlier and work or whatever
and now with wolf

Just because someone is not a monotone robot doesnā€™t mean they are appealing lol with their emotion

Iā€™m not getting guilted out of my wolf reads

Our problem really just comes down to asking for an explanation, an idea of what he means, and then just getting shut down with a ā€œit should be obviousā€ when no, it absolutely isnā€™t.

Weā€™re trying to understand, but heā€™s not letting us

I kind of get it though, but like


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Pretty sure the wolves were confirmed to have a real poison available, and itā€™s unlikely they real poisoned Leafia. Why wouldnā€™t they use a real poison? Also Cresture claims he didnā€™t super like Leafia posts.

I wasnā€™t AtE defending Ashlyn for being at work, I was saying that her ā€œpopping inā€ to accuse you wasnā€™t that suspicious because she had decent enough cover for it

Iā€™m entitled to my opinion on it

Wolves can play dumb jesus

Wolves try to derp all the time because it looks towny

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Something making you feel guilty doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s AtE, Iā€™m not trying to engage your guilt in the slightest, I am just bringing up things that I think are true

I also donā€™t plan ahead when I get the attention, besides of ā€œwhat should we do next?ā€

Okay Iā€™ma go reread that post out of respect for hallia and Creature

VOTE: Ashlyn

Ugh I donā€™t like the current gamestate

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Maybe try not feeling guilt. I am very good at this due to my general lack of empathy

(This post is referencing a Fortress of Lies in-joke)

neither do i ngl owo

I still think baudib1 might be a wolf here

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