FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

why did i disappear nerd

(me: i am not towny)
(me when baudib stops calling me towny: bro wtf)

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I an sososoosooooo towny

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I shoeld the wolves bevause I love them

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I didnt do the event lastnnight cause I was too tired did anybody do tthe event last night

I already got the tankiness due to past boomer days, and if you switch me from boomer I will shoot you out of spite.



I think its morally weong to switch Achro off voomer eliza sorry. I think its not right no matter his alignment

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Screenshot 2024-06-11 190839
okay thanks piss boy


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quoting you was a mistake tbh.

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ok first of all i do not buy this at all

does may think?

I can confirm Achro was in Boomers

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I got the whole user list

well yeah but also

I think shooting Achro regardless would be funny but nya

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towny post

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i dont think the “i already have the tankiness” is like. valid