Is There any way that Pronouns Could be put next to the name?

atlas is both inaccurate and cant be everywhere

and she can assure you it doesnt fix the problem


Can you clarify what you mean by making it optional

do you mean people have the option to have their pronouns shown on their posts or that people have the option to enable/disable seeing everyone else’s next to their posts

i understand the point of this if it’s the first one but if it’s the second then adding this seems pointless to me when the main benefit seems to be stopping people getting misgendered if they recently changed their pronouns and people don’t know about it yet, which obviously wouldn’t be solved if the feature was optional by the second definition

i probably vote no either way cuz i don’t want the clutter ngl. and the main benefit doesn’t seem that convincing to me when like… that’s how it works irl. if you change your pronouns you need to tell people and correct them so it seems normal to me, and i don’t think offence is really warranted if the pronouns are new and people are unaware

the only bad scenario i could see happening is when new people who don’t check profile cards and just default to certain pronouns without realizing. i guess this is a reason to add it maybe? but i dunno. i feel like people learn that functionality pretty quickly

The first one

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I think what would actually affect my vote here is whether or not people have actually found it to be a problem

Like - the misgendering when someone changes to new pronouns - is there anyone who has been personally offended by this and would benefit from this being added? I’m a bit out of my depth here but i don’t think i would be offended about being misgendered if it was shortly after i got new pronouns and people weren’t aware yet

because off the top of my head i can’t actually think of anyone who has, or anyone else who would benefit from this being added

my understanding is that atlas is not speaking personally given she doesn’t even have her pronouns on her profile so i am wondering who we are talking about

also her being the pronoun police makes me suspect this post is founded on feelings of second hand discontentment rather than the actual subjects of the issue experiencing that themselves

i will bribe people to engage with me on this by saying you can buy my vote if this would actually benefit you

tbc by benefit i mean being the actual person with Pronouns, not benefiting in terms of the Atlas Effect (being more offended by people misgendering someone else than the actual person being misgendered)

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oh i wanted the second because it doesn’t really help clutter if it’s just my posts without it

what if i hate the color

SIGNIFICANT amount of trans people on this forum and they generally dont like being misgendered
gender fluid people exist and under the current system it is not very well managed
oh and like. i exist. i said id benefit from this early on. i was also for the titles. it/she but not exactly constant on if its both or one or neither

really do not understand where youre coming from with this second hand thing. people are scared to stand up for themselves. thats been my friends, that’s been me, and youre basically asking to cast those people into this warzone for feeling that way

heres the thing, we arent in real life
significant amount of people here that often will not see your posts. this is a fairly sizable community not a tight knit friend group
and in real life alot of people rely on an atlas type too! still sucks. why cant we have things be better here than in real life?


are people misgendered because of the current system? i assumed it worked well in cases where people hadn’t changed their pronouns recently
i think u have a point about genderfluidity

i kinda am because for me its important for me to know if there are people that would benefit from this rather than hearing through second hand sources and making assumptions cuz until now i didnt think anyone would benefit from this and i also didnt think you in particular would have had an issue updating people about your pronouns given you change them so frequently but guess i was wrong

i don’t understand what you mean by the second thing - my way of thinking is probably quite different but if i have a problem with something then i will say it… because if other people make assumptions about what people want then it becomes he said she said and theres the potential for things to get blown out of proportion. this isnt a warzone and people wont be ostracized for saying if theres a problem


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for me in particular sometimes I type fast enough to where I don’t actively think about gender because there’s nothing slowing me down, I think if I saw pronouns next to someone without having to click I would mentally slow down more often


i’d deffo prefer having people’s pronouns next to title as it’s annoying to go to people pfp on mobile and i often forget people’s pronouns so im constantly checking. or if i am heated mafia argument and spamming as i do, i just resort to calling everyone they/them and never saying anything gendered, which is like fine but i assume some people, especially trans people, may prefer specific pronouns.

new people and names pop up constantly (and i mainly only engage in mafia games not discord etc) so a visual identifier of pronouns next to title would be great tbh


eh i guess the way im thinking about it doesnt really account for people who arent using the site currently

i’ll probably vote yes but pls make it look nice
i think it would prob look better under the names because next to the names is too much with name + mod/admin/reviewer + title + pronouns imo

lets just delete the admin/mod bit no one cares about that


I think I have a perfect idea on how to do this

In my ideal world, we have the pronouns covering the posts of the user as such:

he him


any other pronouns the user should submit the neccesary handwriting that at least covers half of their posts


no one will have an excuse to forget about pronouns ever again either

actually i forgot that on mobile titles are shown under usernames which messes this up completely

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