Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

half a cookie to anyone that can explain to me why I don’t like this post

This is an interesting response tbh

usually i would think jarek would respond a bit less passively here

anyway am going to work ill cya

bleh post
considering 3ps this early is scum indicative

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and specifically in this setup by hunting coven, we can kill the hardest to find 3p anyway
impractical regardless

oh wait nevermind about the specifically in this setup point
recruit lifelink mechanic did not survive into jackal returns

ayo how do i vote

imma vote before i sleep

stealth vote



you jebaited me sad

bruh moment


i think i voted you idk

VOTE: Canping

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Considering all angles of the game is evil to you? It’s not inquisitive, or indicates that I’m looking at all angles? It’s just evil? Okay.

ignoring the facts won’t make it any easier. There’s a 3P. Essentially 2 lost wolves and a wolf is extra evil and hates other wolves.

it’s not just scummy to me, its well established consensus that considering 3ps early in multiball is scum indicative
there’s no arguing against it