Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

Also, seeing my name thrown around because I arrived late and couldn’t contribute during a portion of the game where it is generally always Dead™ is something

But also nya

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Welcome to the club

Eh, I’m used to being scumread tbh

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I mean this time timezones are much better compared to virtious. we were scumreaded there too haha

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Better for me*

Also, I change my mind, Magnus’s vibes are rancid

Which means they’re still exactly rand because I have historically been very bad at reading them.

But I guess this time it’s not quite as influenced by my terminal unease of their avatar, I just don’t vibe with the points they argue.


Also something something town recruit and coven recruit know who the jackal is, jackal doesn’t know them iirc

Damn jackal complains shit

i thought jackal head knew,

I vaguely remember someone saying they don’t know each other, had to clarify the situation

You are right

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I just checked

I am big massive dumb dumb

But again

Just woke up so lol

which sounds better i guess they ll have more hard hard time to present fake reads on each other

Same same same

Anyways ill be posting my thoughts about which i find vague and town throughout the day, hopefully i will, i hate mondays

So real

Mondays arent that bad for me, but entirely because they’re essentially my Sunday (the day before I have to go back to work)

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The way I’d interpret this comment was Icet getting doubtful about you responding off-tangentally to a claim prompt and then acting evasive about it, rather than expecting a claim.