Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

Btw, i say can should claim alignment because this bud finds vfa in tos 2 a correct play, which now he doesnt. Also i wanted to test ur reaction after i say you should claim alignment

Rationality is perfectly fáilte, don’t worry. It’s far less abstruse than denying one’s position or cadence.
I love this exchange, it demonstrates clear-cut purity as well as leaning towards responsiveness.

In which case, VOTE: Sayno.
New slot, new player, same motivation to initiate focus. Hi! I just saw you pop in.

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Did ya voted for me, new player and i got voted sad. Btw i didnt knew we were hanging d1, also thats why i just wanted to see his reaction cause its not after life if i know him right?

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second life sorry*

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By alignment, do you mean alignment type? Meaning “Power / Killing / Investigative” and the like? I’m trying to gather a gauge on your thoughts.

Or do you actually mean having everyone just claim to be Town, since there’s no incentive for non-town to out as anything else?

yeah kinda cause theres tp claims already i dont know why shouldnt they claim

I was playing sometimes on forum of lies before it were shut down, and its been a long while since im not doing this. I don’t have much experince on forum mafia

The reason for asking was that the vote came with no explanation, no commentary. And i wondered why. Now i can come to think i am in a position i could’ve felt attacked too when frost was voted because we are paired in some way. I should’ve not even asked for that which ,you already said, could be a read attempt

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i honestly think also killing d1 is not correct play but this is how we roll, so i do as well ig

you can get it like, im tpow tp lo on me in tos 2. Maybe im into that games meta too much idk

Gotcha. So the main reason is that unlike TOS2, where players only really have time to express their information early, we can socially evaluate one another based on word alone.

The second thing is that roles haven’t really acted yet, so having players claim doesn’t really get you anywhere in terms of execution candidates.

fair enough but wanting tp los on them is not bad play imo? cause they can be any role if they are tpow etc

like theres no arso out there so…

You can ask aloud for protection if you feel it’s warranted.

i dont need that for now tho, maybe if i get some other claims and feel like im in danger then i can

cause if i want tplos on me rn it wouldnt be cool for our tpows, im not fellow tpow

btw is there any like note here that i can use for claims? like notepad

Most protection roles can’t save the same player twice in a row, so that’s something worth pointing out if you’re wondering why powerful roles don’t want to claim.

You have your own rolecard, the PM in which the host sent your ability. You can post in that chat, although you have to be careful not to quote anything from there to over here.

oh cool thx
and also, i can get some roles cant protect the tpows but just only they saying, tps on me could be risky for coven to attack them to waste their chance to kill someone else. There could be 2,3 or even 4 tps am i right?

There are 13 common town slots, i dont want to believe but its possible, but i think we can have 13x the same role i guess? Do we have a class spawn limit?

Sure thing, but there could also theoretically be zero protective roles, and so having Power roles claim would out them for evils to kill nonetheless. Even if there are some protective roles out there, one of them could be the Jackal recruit so they’d still be at risk.

We can also expect an average of two kills per night, so it’s not altogether dangerous to risk attacking a protected player. Especially with a high variance of players, it’s not always worth evil’s time to kill a powerful role if somebody suspects them correctly.