Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

Don’t you think if I would fake-claim, I at least would claim a more usefull roll? (like a trapper with a trap on the pros, or the oracle, who can heal multiple people…) Or you think I want to be pityful with claiming one of the most useless role in the game?

VOTE: Beancat

Just felt like it

i mean no yeah i think its safe to say i wasnt on mayor

Random question. have you kind of hinted before that you were hunter

i promise this goes somewhere

we still have 2 mystery coven.
we know witch/enchanter but we have two others

i am worried

The closest I did, that I wanted the town powers to claim D1, so I would know who to protect.
(It was before I realised there are roles, which caan go through protectives, if they know the exact role.)

my thought process is marluna is thinking about hunter being only defensive against attacks which it can do but

its effective against all harmful effects unlike other roles

it actually protects against killers last. My mind set is maybe she is town cause she didnt realise the powerfulness of hunter and the fact she is underselling this role is a townie thought… but on the other hand maybe they just didnt read it and picked a role on the spot? however the fact she can pinpoint a location on day 1 where she hinted it makes me kinda belief the second point less?

basically hunter is a juggernaut town protective. the more people it defers the stronger it gets.

you dont get told when this happens right?

onlz if I reflect a kill.
Which hasn!t happened zet.

opps keyboard-bind.

Only if I reflect a kill.
Which hasn’t happened yet.

thats interesting. so with knowledge only one death happened n2, and confirmation only coven visited that location.
You have stated your hunter did not trigger. I dont know if my target was attacked but n2 i picked seer which was also jarek. trapper would have killed someone or at least been told. so frost healed someone?

or jackal was Rbed by a tavern keep/poisoner?

hmmm wait hunter doesnt reflect kills

there is one other possibility
but it is very unlikely:
Eve is Jackal aligned town, and Jackal and coven cross-killed.

but why would they do this?

deter, protect, reflect… (it’s not like I am looking up the Rolecard every time I am talking about my role, (now I looked, it says if I protect someone from a kill.).)
the thing: I only learn if a visitor wanted to kill my target, and didn’t to do it in the end.

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I don’t kow, that’s why I said it is a very unlikely possibility.

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