Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

my point still stands then either Frost protected someone or jackal was RBed

or your lying. Jarek was protected by me

Did frost said who he visited N2?

i am reading back now

god damn it he was so close too

nothing iceT tried to do a funny with frost that almost go him to say something. but nothing

I am 99% sure Jarek wasnā€™t attacked N2.
(We donā€™t know all coven roles in play, so I still could be roleblocked, thatā€™s why not 100.)


If you ask me these protective claims are bogus just to live a day but if even one of them is real then thereā€™s a fighting chance for town to maybe have a chance idk

you think all three protective claims are bogus?

4 TPā€™s and magnus dying is the joke of all time

also something that could happen in town of salem in the actual game so very accurate

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again i cant pick a player. i pick characters


Not gonna lie apo i forget your in the game

Understandable tbh

I just have not been active like I normally am

Who hasnt claimed

Because work and now school are a bitch and because my brain is a bitch

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I havenā€™t