Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS





I am like tempted to claim, but also I donā€™t think we really need more claims

Itā€™s unlikely I could have saved Magnus either.
I targetted coven N1. (I probably got no one added to my ā€œscareā€ list N1.)
And it is very likely there were at least to harmful effect visitng Magnus, when he died.

i hate 5am day start cause i hate voting before eod like this.

I hate when i have no one to talk to and my mind goes round and round in circles continuously second guessing


I am struggling to stay awake and i am still troubled finding a solution help. I think marluna at worse is jackal town recruit.

Bean and lemon idk where i stand on them and i am too out of it to back read them now but idk why lemon has gotten off the block again. Was it the trapper claim?

Who is the impostor

Idfk and my procrastination ass left it to the last minute

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There are 5 scum and 3 ppl alive are confirmed

And you yourself exist

Therefore out of 7 ppl 5 are scum

So you just need to find 2 town

It shouldnt be this hard
VOTE: Lemon i would rather hear beanā€™s role before i voted there. And i dont think lemon has done enough to fix their slot.
Marlunaā€™s attotude towards hunter is towny i thinkā€¦ the only thing i didnt like was them using the word ā€œreflectedā€ for their protection ability.

I need to pass out. I am typing messages witth one eye open.

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Dwdwdw Iā€™m town so u just need to find 1