Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

I’ve made a single shitpost read about Magnus and done nothing else

(Because my brain is constantly checking out, but nya)

Am curious about your reasons for all of those reads in general tbh

I am here
I will begin backreading shortly


I was working off of btos2 jackal mechanics and thought that killing the coven recruit would kill the town recruit

slot needs pressured - all content thusfar (at least before I am about to read the new posts that were made when I went off) has been incredibly indecisive

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It’s an early dawn, but Sayno didn’t shrink and cower upon suspicion and didn’t grow stagnant despite verbally expecting to die today. ([#585])Jackal Returns - Day 1 (20/20) - #585 by Sayno))

Potentially wanton focus, but the OP does mention this.

Frost is pushing his reads with the sort of unusual and spectacular logic I associate with his villager games, but I haven’t analysed their breadth so who knows if it stands to scratch.
I have D&D this morning.

phrasing my push as “imaginary” is very strawmanny - it’s certainly not imaginary, lol…

I disagree with this on a) its logical enough and b) can you justify where I “usually” use more logic?

I agree, Frostwolf most likely the wolf if there’s one in Hazard/Frost, which I think there is

this post is unproductive analysis but I think a villager more likely than not makes it

jail has a reoccuring theme of using descriptors that don’t descript. I’ve seen “interesting” so far and didn’t like it because it’s not descriptive but now there’s “leafiaposting”
jail lean w

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also as I suspected pressuring TBE has caused them to generate content and they’ve either managed to wrecking ball swing completely undecisive posts into posts with genuinely decent content as wolf or are just a villager that needed pushed to do something
occam’s razer says tbe no longer needs pressured and is not the lynch for today unless they start not doing anything again once the pressure is let off them

thank you @Bionic and @IcetFeelsPain for helping me to solve-the-game

I love solving. the. game.



I need to go to the bathroom and then I’ll come back and continue backreading

and me? :flushed:

Tbe has been towne doe

Kyo i feel like you know better than to make a read like that on me lol

also bc i have made other reads

This post has revealed the leafiaposting comment to me and I kinda just feel offended for some reason about that

what is “leafiaposting”

I don’t know what this is supposed to imply

also ftr the amount of people that townread magnus and the amount of people that scumread magnus (namely 0?) is concerning so we kill magnus if they’re still alive by d4~ and wolves aren’t dropping dead


Real tbh

I have a healthy dose of paranoia about Magnus tbh

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the “interesting” thing was also in regards to jarek

wow jail’s position regarding jarek’s slot was incredibly hedgy up until they started sheeping TBE

At least 1/2 of jail’s ISO is regarding Jarek - despite this, their 2 reads during this time are made towards people giving reads regarding Jarek
It takes up until post 43/57 of their ISO to plant a vote on Jarek which is justified by “their posts feeling off”
this progression is wolfy to me

Lemon and Apo previously expressed dismay. I
The issue with waiting until lategame is that it’s a multiball setup, so even if I was evil that wouldn’t justify why another faction wasn’t killing me or suspecting me, so it’s a sorta meaningless read.

VOTE: jail

we should pressure this slot