Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

disliked this line at the beginning of the day. felt weird

Despised this line

mmm fuck this feels town lead

Canping is hard focused on Sayno and not really exploring others. i understand from reading they probably know each other outside of game. but its less accusing sayno and a bunch of defending himself. i dont know if this is a hit tho the last line i quoted feel town coded

fuck i hate mafia

wrong apo is towb


Thereā€™s effectively no downside to applying pressure or scrutiny to somebody who can take it, donā€™t worry about imposing your gaze if it feels warranted.

This was the same message which incited my shift away from Canping. In hindsight, perhaps it was a tad generous to townread a message accepting responsibility instead of denying it, since that does invite an impression of humility.

Something something it was also hot on my heels of not liking Icetā€™s sheeping of Magnus

Why no?

maybe. its easy to accept responsibility. idk if they would do it as mafia or town tho

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Also, not sure if Iā€™ll be here for EoD because work is cringe and scheduled an 1 pm oā€™clock start, but then the supervisor got confused and came in 7 am, and now the whole thing is planned around an 11 am start, but heā€™s not even here yet

fuck i am tired i cant type properly


Have a good night soon, Hazard. I hope you donā€™t die.

@Hazardwaste ill vote canping with you


I think i wanna vote on canping. Their start of day was incredibly awkward and the only reason i am somewhat fine with them is them acknowledging they were being awkward which is easily fakeable.
VOTE: Canping

Now i sleep.

VOTE: canping

jail (3): TheBlueElixir, Bionic, Daeron
Kelsier (2): Jarek, beancat
Canping (2): Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain
bystander (1): Eve
Jarek (1): jail
lemon (1): Frostwolf103
Phraze (1): Apocryphal
Daeron (1): lemon
Sleep (1): lol
Apocryphal (1): Magnus
IcetFeelsPain (1): Marluna

Not Voting (5): Phraze, Kelsier, Sayno, Canping, bystander

Donā€™t really feel like anyone has a particular sell on any of these votes hence why theyā€™re so spread out. Itā€™s just ā€œIā€™ll sheep you.ā€ ā€œOKā€

You know what I mean

VOTE: canping