Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

VOTE: bystander

yes im confirmed

ok so i am starting to think you are reading over this too much.

i’ve realized that:

i need to explain why i went with this post instead of just sticking with a “No.”

the thing is, yes i’d post this and leave no further commentary, :

but i needed to explain why i shouldnt out my class specifically to sayno since they are new to forum mafia, and again its not town of salem. i needed it because they need to know why in this set up i refuse to claim: we are making reads and everyone mass claims their roles like its a claim train isnt working.

it won’t work because:

again i am ready for punishment if you decide to execute me. because it is fair if you do so. but you need to understand my motivation under this post:

i did it with the worst way possible, i am totally aware of this, again fair wolf points i am getting here. but it was simply that i needed to explain it to sayno, that is all.

plus i wanted to test their reaction by voting them and had to make a valid reason if they require to hear it. <<this is for anyone who thinks my push on sayno was weird because of this post of mine:

ok so im still not home, when i m home and it still day, i ll try to post my thoughts on other wagons.

and i knew sayno, yes. it was a weird interaction because i beforehand knew what sayno meant by “claim alignment”

i thought it wouldn’t cause misunderstandings so i just considered not to elaborate on this. they are comşng from tos 2 and other social deduction games. we have been playing tos a lot lately so i knew what they’ve meant with it.

i’ve figured you use the term alignment as in factions (town, coven, jackal). but i was expecting from you to know sayno does not.

oops i shouldnt have edited.

sorry, i 've just edited a typo. did not change anything.

oh no , not the retri whatever will she do :pensive:

yes because i put 0 trust in you people

my ass was digging potatoes for 2 hours like a real VILLAGER unlike you people who are discussing some obscure matters that do not affect me !!!

Ah nice my ass was collecting hazelnuts for 2 hours Anyways 2 hours till eod noe ill actually backtrack

Seems town does his duties btw

villager… foragers and farmers unite. we must overthrow this rotten government that is trying to kill people with zero evidence

Lets form an villagers union lul our main goal is to stop unjust hangings

anywya yeah im not reading until d2 i have jarek and marluna as villagers the rest i dont care do whatever. odds are we just bang all the wolves just by mechanics if town is smart

Question would a 4 way 3 vote tie be funni

Hope we have enough tis btw

Yo canping was the only reason you were upped because od that


Vote me

don’t need em
im goated enough

Ah yes the goated player who is omniscient please carry us